Thursday, April 30, 2009
Another Giveaway
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April Finish
Sydney wanted this quilt to be hers. She says it's OK if I make her another as long as it has a curved edge with different colors. She would also like some of the purple sparkly fabric that was in the doll quilt I made this weekend and maybe some flowers like the ones in the corners, but with purple. I guess it is good that she knows what she wants.
Meeting Goals
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Theme Park Day
After my little snooze, I got the scallops marked on my welcome quilt and cut out the bias strips. Tonight is pizza night, so we are watching Ironman and hanging out as a family. I need to grade some tests before tomorrow so I'm not sure how much further I'll get tonight. I'm hoping for a calm week at work so I can continue to putter along. I think I've managed to put my work worries away, at least mentally. I think it has all been taken out of my hands and I can get back to life as usual.
Oh -- I just saw that Cornfield Quilter is having a giveaway for her 200th post. Go over and say "HI"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Two New Toys
This afternoon the Girl Scouts are going ice skating and if all goes well I will have a quilt to finish and an iPhone full of new games to play while they skate. Not a bad day at all. I'm feeling better already.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Welcome Flimsy
Monday, April 20, 2009
Girl Scout Monday
I had a little time last night to work and started putting together the letters for Star light Star bright. Looking at the photo, the top of the second S seems to have disappeared. I still need to make two more blocks for the bottom. I'm always surprised at how long a twin sized quilt is. This will be another donation quilt, so it needs to be the right size. I want to spend a few minutes puttering away at the welcome quilt, but I need to get to bed early. I've been up until midnight too many evenings recently and I am in serious pain from lack of sleep. I even tried to take a nap this afternoon, but Sydney prevented that from happening. I spent all afternoon at school finishing up grades and preparing for an electrophoresis lab tomorrow. The kids are all counting down the days, so getting anything done is like pushing jello up a hill.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The pineapple quilt was destined for the front foyer, therefore it has evolved into the welcome quilt. It says welcome in English, Hawaiian, Irish, Japanese, French and Kiribati. I think it still needs a skinny bias strip and maybe the English welcome needs to be bigger. I haven't fastened anything down yet. It started as applique, but I decided to cheat and use fusible. I used my scrapbooking sizzix to cut out the letters. I have gotten more use out that thing than you can imagine. I even used it to cut fruit roll ups to decorate a birthday cake one year. I really hate fusible, but I spent an hour preparing the first flower and decided I needed to finish more than I needed to create delicate needle turn. This is supposed to be my April project after all. I'm still pondering the scalloped border. I'll get that figured out before I start ironing. Speaking of ironing, mine burned out last night. I guess I do more ironing than an average person, but it wasn't all that old. A leg fell off the barbeque grill today and the chlorine generator for the pool just got replaced. Groups of three right? I should be in the clear now.
Wonky Options
I need some feedback about which plan is better: option A --wrap around border, option B - in the middle. I'm having way too much fun playing with these blocks, it almost makes me forget that I have a never ending to do list that did not include this project until last night.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Quilt Festival
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Favorite Quilt

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Way Too Funny!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Strung Out
After pulling out the last of the scraps from my men's shirt quilts, I decided to work on some string blocks. I was sure I had done quite a few already, but maybe they got used in the nursing home quilts? I had phone book pages conveniently stashed in the same tub as the scraps and dumped them into a happy heap on the floor before diving in and sewing myself silly. I decided to work with a simple diagonal layout and finished up a goodly number of blocks. With the one still sitting on the ironing board, it looks like about 25. I took pictures along the way thinking I might make a quick tutorial if anyone is interested.
When I got tired of making string blocks, I picked up the trimmings from those and started making crumb blocks. I kept the trash can handy, and anything that was too small ended up finally retired. It is fun to think about the evolution of these scraps. They started their life as shirts before being worked into quilts, the leavings of those turned into string quilts, and the last gasping fragments made their way into these humble little crumb blocks. Looking at the picutures, I can also see some scraps my neighbor left when she moved away and some partial blocks from Carolina Crossroads. I think that was the first of the mystery quilts that I did. These little guys got squared up to 6.5 inches. I think I will set them with a wide blue lattice and some bright red corner stones.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Party
The kids were exhausted from all the fun and collapsed into bed as soon as we got home. We've got our own eggs ready for morning as well as Easter baskets that Kurt has hidden somewhere. His family always hid the basket with gifts rather than finding eggs. It seems odd to me, but we've hidden the baskets, and the eggs are ready to be hidden first thing in the morning. I hope he didn't hide the baskets too well or they won't have anything to put the eggs into. It's always interesting to meld together the traditions from different families and turn them into our own little script. I'm continually surprised at how many different variation exist on the same basic celebrations.
I hope everyone else is having a happy Easter weekend.