Saturday, November 25, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Gave Thanks
Saturday, November 18, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Thanksgiving
I am thankful for my blog and my quilting, even though neither seems to be getting enough attention recently. I hope that will change this week as we now have an entire week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. We used to get three days, but during COVID they went to a full week and there is no going back from that! My oldest is home now and will leave tomorrow to spend the holiday with the boyfriends family. It will be our first major holiday without all the kids. So hard! I know it is the natural progression, but it still hit me. Kurt is off picking up Sydney the youngest from UF this morning and the middle child should return on Monday. So we will have 2 of the 3 until Thursday at least. Sydney has to go back Thursday night because she works a retail job and is scheduled for Black Friday. Then there is a big football game on Saturday. It is fun to see them have their own lives apart from us, but still an adjustment.
I have been mentally drained lately and spent many relaxing hours stitching away at hexies. I need to set a row length for these so that I can figure out when I will be done. I think the red row is going to be the longest and then I will just slowly bring each color to the same length and start getting them together. The one odd man out is the black. I might just sneak that on the end of the dark blue or purple row. I will never find enough black or brown fabrics to have an entire row.
How are all of your quilts coming along. I know a lot of people will probably be taking a break from rainbow quilts for a while to do the Bonnie Mystery. I haven't even checked to see what it will be this year! It has been a few years since I have participated, but I usually at least follow along to enjoy everyone else's progress.
I hope the holiday finds you happy and healthy and that you are able to find time for family and for yourself
Saturday, November 11, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Three Day Weekend
Saturday, November 4, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Fall