Saturday, October 26, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

Every once in a while, life just explodes.  Even if it is exploding with good things, it is still easy to get lost.  I have completely dropped the ball on Tiny Tuesday for not one, but for two weeks in a row!  There are only Three blocks left, and I have neglected two of them.  I am so sorry!  Never fear.  I am off right now to finish off the last three blocks and I will post them all.  I know that people are anxious to get started on the finishing.
Then, when that is done, I will go buy a new car.  I wasn't fully decided on what kind yet, but Anna has an internship now and needs to have a car at college ASAP.  See what I mean about explosive goodness?  She will be working in a lab studying traumatic brain injury and couldn't be happier.  Given her own experiences with concussions, it seems super appropriate.
The morning is open though, because Kurt is off at his annual chorus competition.  When he gets back though, we will go and get a car, then clean out the garage so that it will fit inside.  Then Wednesday we will drive the old car over to Anna.
Right now though, I'm going to go and sew.  And sew and breath and enjoy.  I hope that you are able to do the same.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Anna's internship sounds wonderful! A new car is exciting, too! Definitely take time to breathe - we can wait for our Tiny Tuesday blocks! :) Thanks for hosting us, Angela.

JanineMarie said...

Lots to juggle, but still you take time to blog and design. We all appreciate it so much. Don’t worry if all the balls don’t always stay up in the air.