It is a car day today, on the way back from a perfect spring break trip. We took started the week cutting up a fallen tree that was blocking our pathway to the "upper 7" which is our patch of land going up the side of the mountain. That came with a nice hike to find that the rest of the trail was in excellent shape. Here is Kurt carrying some firewood up from the basement with the new carrier that I sewed for him. We don't keep the firewood in the basement, but there is a door that goes outside to our main wood piles.
Then we did a bit of mortar on a rock wall that Kurt built under the open space where the master bedroom used to be a porch. That one will take a bit of time. There is a skill element involved, and I am sure we will get better with practice.
Most of the time outside was battling a briar patch that we started taking out this summer to reveal a giant rock wall that has likely been buried for decades. More cutting of downed trees and yanking of vines with the winch left us both scratched and sore, ready for a soak in the hot tub.
I also painted the guest bedroom, which we decided to call the green room. That is Jamestown Landing on the bed which is a Bonnie Hunter pattern, and leftover itty bitty nine patches on the wall that I randomly sewed together and ended up loving. I still find extras of those in the scrap bins from time to time. they were so much fun to sew. It did make me want to start saving 1 inch strips though, which is a dangerous precedent to set. I should paint the woodwork as well, but that is another project to add to the list. We do have a literal list. We started it when we bought the property and have made excellent progress, even though we keep adding new things.
Not a stitch was sewn all week, but we will be home with a day left in the weekend and so perhaps some more yellows will come out to play soon? I sure hope so, the month is moving right along. How are your yellow scraps coming along?