Saturday, March 22, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Homeward Bound

It is a car day today, on the way back from a perfect spring break trip. We took started the week cutting up a fallen tree that was blocking our pathway to the "upper 7" which is our patch of land going up the side of the mountain. That came with a nice hike to find that the rest of the trail was in excellent shape. Here is Kurt carrying some firewood up from the basement with the new carrier that I sewed for him. We don't keep the firewood in the basement, but there is a door that goes outside to our main wood piles. 

Then we did a bit of mortar on a rock wall that Kurt built under the open space where the master bedroom used to be a porch. That one will take a bit of time. There is a skill element involved, and I am sure we will get better with practice. 

Most of the time outside was battling a briar patch that we started taking out this summer to reveal a giant rock wall that has likely been buried for decades. More cutting of downed trees and yanking of vines with the winch left us both scratched and sore, ready for a soak in the hot tub.

I also painted the guest  bedroom, which we decided to call the green room. That is Jamestown Landing on the bed which is a Bonnie Hunter pattern, and leftover itty bitty nine patches on the wall that I randomly sewed together and ended up loving. I still find extras of those in the scrap bins from time to time. they were so much fun to sew. It did make me want to start saving 1 inch strips though, which is a dangerous precedent to set. I should paint the woodwork as well, but that is another project to add to the list. We do have a literal list. We started it when we bought the property and have made excellent progress, even though we keep adding new things. 

Not a stitch was sewn all week, but we will be home with a day left in the weekend and so perhaps some more yellows will come out to play soon? I sure hope so, the month is moving right along. How are your yellow scraps coming along?

Saturday, March 15, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Spring Break!


I am on vacation! Sewing and cutting wood and gardening are on the list for this week. First on the list was a drive to the mountains, now it is time to play. It is trying hard to be spring here. I can see a few crocuses and daffodils putting up that first effort to bloom. Thursday was glorious spring in Florida and it will be summer soon. I think there will be a more gradual progression in the mountains. 

I got some hexies sewn on the long drive. I never get quite as much sewing done as I think that I will. Kurt usually drives at the beginning and end when it is dark. I take the middle shift at the wheel when the light is good. Enough for some sewing though, and I have more ready to go for quiet evenings next to the fire. 

How are your yellows coming along? I am having fun with the various shades from lemon to gold. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Bright and Happy Progress

I know that I say this every week, but boy has it been a week!  Field trips and SATs and special assemblies, it seems like every day had something going on. I got a few yellow leader and ender squares sewn as I was putting together log cabin sections. I am now officially out of design wall space, So I will need to find a section of floor to clear out. 

I think this will be the design for my next hexie quilt. These are 1 inch blocks instead of the .75 inch blocks of the hexie quilt and they feel HUGE by comparison. I have yellow and blue hexies cut out and ready for the next long car trip. 

Spring has been strange in Florida this year. One day is beautiful and almost summer and then the next day a front moves in and I am pulling out a sweater again. This happy yellow hibiscus doesn't seem to mind though. It thinks spring has sprung. I hope that some signs of spring are starting to appear where you are, unless of course you are in fall. I think fall and spring are so much nicer than winter and summer. I guess I am just all about moderation. Misterlinky is below, please share your progress with us all. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Sunny Day

It is a new month and a chance to dig into a fresh color.  I know that blue never seems to end, but I hope that you made a dent. Yellow will be the focus for the month, so I hope that you are feeling bright and sunny!
I got a few rows done on the hand quilting of the hexie diamonds, but there hasn't been much time for sewing this week. 
There were two evening events at school this week, one I had to plan and run. The other one I just showed up and talked. Then Thursday Kurt and I went to a concert in Orlando. On a school night! It was They Might Be Giants, a quirky band that we have been listening to together since college. It was a lot of fun, but also exhausting to get up the next morning. We are getting a bit old to stand in  a mosh pit for hours and hours. Thankfully there will be time this weekend to recharge and refresh. 

Sydney had a busy week as well with a conference and an industry night. She has an internship set up for the summer already, but it is good experience for her to go to events like that to talk to companies and find out what the job opportunities might be after she graduates - hopefully next year. It is a difficult time to be an environmental engineer, but she also does a lot of civil engineering, so that should be more safe right now. 
I think that the most exciting thing I have on the schedule for today is a haircut. I am definitely feeling good about having some quite time with yellow scraps. 
How many yellow scraps do you have to play with this month? 

Monday, February 24, 2025

March Madness

 It is going to be March so soon! I know that many of you are not done with blue yet, don't worry, there will be a catch up month later. For now though, do what you can before the end of the week and then think about digging into your yellow! Yes, yellow for spring. 

I started a rope rug this weekend. Everything started well enough, so far so good.

But then I got impatient, and I guess I thought it would all work out eventually. The rounded corners didn't want to lie down though. And so after a bunch of wrestling and stretching and swearing, I decided to let them fold back instead of lying down. It started so well, but this isn't how it was supposed to turn out. Not to worry, I will try again. I really do like the idea of a rope rug. I will pay more attention to the ends lying flat next time. Everything gets easier with practice, right? 

After I gave up on the rope rug, I went back to hand quilting the hexies. I have pink thread for the basket quilt on order, but I have almost all of the colors of thread that I need for the hexies. The quilting will be just straight lines thru the center of each row of hexies. It goes pretty quickly. I am finding hand quilting to be very relaxing right now. It is nice not to be in high gear from time to time. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Short Blue Month

Next Saturday will be March! That means just one more week to finish up those blues. There will be a catch up opportunity at the end of the year in case you aren't quite done yet. Blue is just one of those colors that keeps going. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is all about doing what works for you though, so don't feel like you have to "finish" every color every month. Every new quilt brings new scraps and the cycle starts over. I did a good job of using up the precut squares in blue, but not so much on making more. 

In general, I have been making good progress this week on using things up. I did a deep dive into batting on Sunday and came up with enough to piece together for the hexie quilt. 

It has a rainbow scrap striped backing as well, so lots of good use it up energy going on there. I have been watching youtube videos and thinking about making a jelly roll rug to put in front of the fireplace in Virginia. It seems to get grungy with ashes and bark. 

Then, while I was busy trying to make do, I ran out of thread right in the middle of hand quilting the baskets. I got an adorable sampler of 12 wt. variegated threads and the spools were tiny. I can't buy just the pink that I used up, which means I will need another sampler pack of 4. 

I will try to put the other colors to good use in the hexies though, so no need to worry.

When finishing up long-term projects, I always start to think about what is next. I was pondering a snake like arrangements of monochromatic hexies in a larger size. The rainbow diamonds are 3/4 of an inch, which made me order a cutter for the go that makes 1 inch hexies. They seem huge by comparison! I am not ready to start a new quilt yet, but it will be nice to have a portable project to carry along the next time we travel. Spring break will be in the mountains, but we have a trip to Alaska booked for this summer! It is one for the bucket list. 

Misterlinky is below, share your blue progress with us all. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday Progress


The hexies quilt is getting so close to being done. All the light edges are done, it is just a few more dark hexies that I need to add to the bottom row of dark. Honestly it is just a few hours of work. I am thinking of making stripes of each color for the back. I want to hand quilt it with horizontal lines, so that should not cause too many problems. 
I am still chipping away at the log cabin blocks. I lay each one out of the floor and then double check the layout before sewing it together. There is only one so far that got twisted during sewing. What are you up to in the sewing room? 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hand Sewing on Sunday

I am evening up the edges of the hexie quilt! The half hexies are different on the top than the bottom, which made me pause for a minute. Now that I am halfway done though, I have the routine down. 
I also have two and a half rows done on the basket quilt Baptist fan quilting! Look at that texture. I will be sure to get a bit more done during the super bowl tonight. Anna and Jordan came in for the weekend to go a birthday party and are just now back in time for the big game. Of course, after they showed up, it occurred to us that we don't have a television. Kurt and I just watch things individually on our own devices these days. We do have a projector though, that we got to watch Christmas movies with the kids. We will get that all set up and watch some sports during family game night tonight. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Catching up on UFOs

I got some more blue blocks made while I was working on a UFO. After finishing the basket quilt top last week, I dug out a log cabin UFO to figure out why it got stuck. I had started enough blocks, but then got stuck when I ran out of light colored logs. Once I cut a few more of those, I was good to go and quickly finished up enough blocks for the full sized quilt that is in my mind for the main bedroom at the cabin. 
I really wanted to a barn raising layout, but there isn't really enough space to lay it all out at once. Instead I settled in this alternating light and dark diamond layout. I can lay out a set of 16 blocks and then sew those together pretty quickly. The blocks finish at 7 inches each and I need enough for a king sized bed with a good amount of overhang which should make the layout about 15 by 15. What is going on in your sewing room this weekend? 


Sunday, February 2, 2025

A New Hand Quilting Project

I got a couple of borders on the basket quilt yesterday. The inner border was a bit sketchy. The combination of a thin border on a stretchy bias edge was almost too much. The second border seemed to bring everything back under control again, but it was touch and go for a while. I ordered a Baptist fan stencil, it should be here tomorrow. I was kind of surprised that I did not have one. I love doing fans, but they are usually free form. This quilt seemed to want something more regular though. I also ordered some 12 weight thread in a nice variegated yellow and pink shade that I think will work nicely. I have been streaming The Last Homely House on you tube while sewing lately and Kate does a lot of hand quilting with that type of thread. Sew, I thought I would give it a try. I have used lighter weight quilting thread as well as heavier Pearle cotton, so I am hoping that this will be somewhere in between. I got the back ready and pieced together some extra batting, but I don't want to layer it all up until after the stencil arrives. I am going to mark it with frixion pens that I have been using for my planner lately. I usually use Crayola washable markers, but they do tend to rub off over time, so I will see if I like this better. I am a slow hand quilter, so it needs to be sturdy to still be in good shape years from now when it is done.

There was a retirement party at work on Friday for our guidance clerk. She has always been so sweet and supportive of my quilting, so I just had to find a quilt for her to take with her. I chose a bullseye quilt which was one of my RSC22 quilts.  I am happy for her, but still sad that she will be gone. It is nice when people really want to help the kids. 

I have a draft of a paper that is due tonight on constructivist learning theory and educational standards. I will just give that a quick final edit and then make my way back down to the sewing space. I am thinking about pulling out a log cabin UFO that could be my next flimsy finish. I hope that you are finding time to sew something on this lazy Sunday. It is good to rest up before a new week comes on full force. Be sure to take some time to see what other slow stitching is happening at Kathy's Quilts before the weekends slips away.