Sorry for the bad pun, they are very popular around our house right now. We all had a great time at the Easter party last night; chatting, and playing games and finding confetti filled eggs to smash on the heads of unsuspecting observers.

Our family won the big prize for the games, which were these matching bunny ears. We also took home a family pack of chocolate bunnies which the kids all ate for breakfast this morning.

I have been picking bits of confetti and Easter grass up all day, but it was all well worth it. The kids look forward to it every year.

I didn't accomplish any major projects over spring break. Unlike last year when I made the
Welcome quilt from start to finish.

I did take care of a lot of loose ends though. I spent an entire day washing, ironing and folding fabric to put away, and another cutting strips and squares from the leftover basket. I also got the rest of the blocks done for the main part of Spinning Stars, as well as planning out the setting and borders. There are going to be four quadrants with 25 blocks each, separated and surrounded by a stripe of dark green. That should cover the top of our bed exactly. The part hanging over the side of the bed will be made up of two rows of four patches, or maybe three depending on how the size works out. Kurt has requested a thicker batting to keep us toasty during those harsh Florida winters. We have a couple of quilts that fit our bed, but they all fairly light weight.
I don't feel ready to go back to school tomorrow, but it is getting very close to the end now. Summer is an even more exciting concept now that my HQ 16 is on the way. I'm already lining up the projects. I hope everyone else had a great holiday.