Sunday, October 1, 2017

Spring Cleaning

Fall in Florida feels a lot like spring did when I lived up north.  Beautiful weather is right around the corner and spring cleaning is in full swing.  Spring cleaning for normal people might involve mops and brooms, but for quilters it is so much prettier!
I am still digging into the orphan bin.  These monochromatic 4 and 16 patch blocks will go with a growing set of leaders and enders.  I'm thinking of choosing two or three colors to go together to make several quilts. 

I was thinking of maybe pink, teal and orange?  Maybe blue green and purple?  Or I could go complementary and do blue and orange together in one quilt and yellow and purple in another?  Each quilt needs 80 blocks total, 40 each of 16 patches and 4 patches.  I think I'll just work on collecting about 20 of each color while I ponder the choices. 
The main harvest though was LOTS and LOTS of mixed color squares.  With a bit of sewing and sorting I was able to bag up enough units for three quilts.  Those will be ready and waiting when I am in the mood for some power sewing.
Here is the backing for Running Zone, which I just realized was originally called running stitches.  A little of this and a bit of extra whatever came together for a creative and colorful smorgasbord.  Best of all, lots of oddballs are out of the deep stash.  The purple was part of Anna's toddler quilt.  The flowers and the border print were part of Sydney's nursery.   


The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow!! When you "Spring Clean", you really mean business!!!

Karen S said...

It looks like you have a lovely range of colours to play with. Nothing ever goes to waste, does it!
Cheers, Karen

gayle said...

Looks like you've got lots of block-playing fun in your future! Love the quilt back, too!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

I like your idea of only using 2 or 3 colors in the quilts instead of the whole rainbow. I look forward to seeing examples pieced.

Teresa said...

How fun...looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I love how you pulled the color wedges out of the color wheel. Now just how did you do that????

Shelina said...

This type of spring cleaning is definitely more fun than the other kind! I look forward to seeing what you decide.

Kathy's A Quilter said...

That really is some deep into the depths cleaning. Nursery fabrics belonging to those teens - you really are going the 'distance' with that backing. Happy Quilting/Cleaning

Katie Z. said...

I love two or three colors in a quilt. Every time I quilt a rainbow quilt, I find myself admiring color pairs and thinking "ooh, that would make a lovely quilt."

Linda said...

How lovely to have so many orphan blocks that you can kit them up into three future quilts! Looking forward to seeing them.

Magpie Sue said...

It feels wonderful to get parts ready so a quilt can be finished relatively quickly, doesn't it? I find myself doing more "spring cleaning" in the fall than I do in the spring - and I live in the north! I think I must be getting ready to settle in for the cold winter months. ;-)

Kate said...

You did some great spring cleaning! Hopefully your scrap bins are just a little bit empty now.