If you still need another color, then November is for darks -- black and brown. If you are not in need of another color though, this is the time for finishing. Please use the last two months of the year to take stock, add in whatever extra something your quilts might be asking for, and best of all, put some tops together!
I did a spree of finishing things earlier this year, so I believe that I have several tops awaiting quilting to think about this month. I just had a load of shirts dropped off yesterday for a graduation t-shirt quilt, so that will move to the front of the list. Anna is graduating this year too, so I'm guessing she will want one of those as well.
Last Saturday was my half marathon! It was a beautiful day. The weather was picture perfect. Three miles of the run were on the beach and we were just all amazed at how perfect it was to be running along the ocean with the waves crashing. Then, just when everything seemed ridiculously picturesque, a troop of lifeguards ran by carrying a huge American Flag. Though I was pretty tired by the end, a half doesn't leave you wrung out and exhausted like a full marathon. Meisje and I had to much fun that we signed up for another half next month.

Meisje is a teacher too, and we talk about absolutely everything during long runs. She thinks that my quilt blog is too much about quilts. She thinks it is way too boring for regular people. I used to put in more personal stuff when my mom was alive, she was a big fan of my blog. Since then though, It has gotten a little more quilt centered. So, because Meisje asked, here are a few Halloween pictureres from Tuesday. Anna and Allie were Cinderella and her pumpkin. They hung out down in front of Allie's house.

Anna had made a tube worm costume, but ended up letting Ryan wear that. He volunteered to sit in front of our house to pass out candy. I got sick on Tuesday and spent the night cuddled up on the couch under a quilt. Sydney was Boo from Monster's Inc., but I was never able to get a photo, she had two friends over and they were off around the neighborhood on their own. Usually everyone hangs outside while the trick-or-treaters roam. Kurt was out of town this year, so celebrations were more mellow than usual.