Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What day is it?

On Monday we closed on our new house!
Here is the view from our new balcony.

Then on Tuesday we accepted an offer on our old house.  In all of that excitement, I forgot about everything!  At the end of February I looked ahead and made a mental note that I had guest designers for most of March, but I didn’t remember to touch base or firm up those plans.  I am so sorry for neglecting Tiny Tuesday this week!  I will take a look at what can be done.
Here is a photo of our new kitchen.  It is the "before".
It is still too early for an "after" shot.  I do have during though.  All the walls and ceilings on the main floor are a very dark gold.  So far we have gotten a good start on the primer.  I think we are going to change it out to a nice shade of beige toned grey called balboa mist.  I have many paint chips to play with and spent too many hours over spring break studying different color combinations.  


Katie Z. said...

Congratulations! I’m so glad your house-shifting is moving so quickly.

We can always add another later, if it can’t be done this week, and no one will be worse for the wait! I just made my owl today, and I questioned if I would survive the attempt! The directions were great, but I couldn’t get my mind wrapped around which fabric to place where.

Susie H said...

Happy to hear all seems to be sorting itself out for you and wonderfully so! Don't worry about Tiny Tuesday. We'll be just fine. Life happens and we all understand perfectly. Congratulations!

Stephanie from Ontario said...

Congratulations! An awesome view. Hope there will be a great sewing room also.

ES said...

Sea views? Wow! I have views above tree tops because we’re at the top of a hill. Our old view was of a stairwell!

Libby in TN said...

Whew! So glad you were missing in action for a good reason. We can manage without one TT so don't beat yourself up. That kitchen definitely didn't look like it lived on a Florida beach! And I thought I had beautiful views of a tiny lake from my deck ...

Quilty Chaos said...

My dogs would love that island. They aren't technically allowed in the kitchen, but they love to hover and watch in case gravity makes dog food out of people food.

Quiltdivajulie said...

CONGRATULATIONS - may the sale/closing of your old house go smoothly.

Mari said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Hope the move goes really smoothly. Looks like the view was worth it!

Barbara said...

Congratulations! Live a happy life there! Looks wonderful.

beaquilter said...

congrats on the new house!!

Sara said...

Congratulations! With a view like that I would feel like I was on vacation all the time.

MissPat said...

Wait, what? You closed on Monday and by Thursday you'd put primer on the kitchen walls. Congratulations on the new house and hope the sale of the old house goes smoothly. I haven't even started the tiny Tuesday blocks and at this point I may just have to watch from the sidelines.

Teresa in Music City said...

Congratulations!!! We moved last year too and it is a big job, but so rewarding :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...


Cathy said...

Congratulations! You two sure look happy (and what a cute couple!) in the balcony picture. You know color, so I trust that your “afters” will be stunning! So happy for you... xo

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I would be in heaven with that water view from the balcony! Love the kitchen! Are you remodeling the new home before moving in?

Kristin said...

Wooooooooooooot!!! Congratultions!!!

Pale King said...

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