Saturday, November 30, 2019

Family Time

 Is there anything better than a leftover ham or turkey sandwich on the day after Thanksgiving?  If there is I can't think of it right now.
The gang is about to scatter for various evening plans.  I'm hoping for a family photo before we lose them all.  For now I am working on updating the RSC19 Sampler tab.  It got very neglected and sad during the move to the new house.  

ScrapHappy Saturday

I have officially switched from inlinkz, back to misterlinky. Having a credit card number stolen apparently leads to unintended consequences.
 We are enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with two kids home for college. Anna even brought two of her friends with her. It is so nice to be able to see them again, even though winter break is really just around the corner.

 I finished up 5 new place-mats, though Anna did not think they fit the aesthetic of a Thanksgiving table.  They are in beach colors though, which is the effect that I was going for. 
I got out to walk the dog this morning just in time for the sunrise.  Though Anna and her friends are sleeping in my sewing room, I did pull out some hand work to keep me busy while they are here.  I think that we are supposed to take both of the college kids out for jean shopping this morning before they head back to college.  Other than that it promises to be a quiet day.  

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sewing Day

I tried out a new place-mat pattern today.  I'm thinking of making a set for the kitchen table. I think that I like it.  

Sewing Sunday

 Last night was our housewarming party.  It was a combination of my teacher friends and Kurt's engineer friends.  Here is a group of teachers past and present from my school. 
 Tom is Anita's husband and a Lutheran minister who gave a house blessing. 
 So nice to be able to see everyone outside of work and do a bit of catching up.  I was too busy to take and photos, so very happy that Anita sent some snapshots to me. 
Today I plan to sew all day long.  I can't remember the last time that happened.  There is a new season of The Crown on Netflix.  I plan to start at season 1 again and go all the way through until I get to the new ones.  Happy day!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

It keeps getting busier around here. 
We had a quick getaway to Cancun for the Veterans's day weekend and got upgraded to the presidential suite.  It was quite fancy! 
 Then last weekend we went to a local food and wine festival and ate and drank lots of tasty treats. 
 This weekend is our housewarming party.  We've been thinking about it for a while but wanted to wait until everything was done.  It will be a while before everything on the list is truly done, so we tried to get it in before the holidays are in full swing. 
All of that will leave tomorrow open for sewing.  Hopefully you are all coming along well with the finishing up stage for the year.  Putting all the pieces together at the end is always so much fun.  I can't wait to see some of the finished blocks start to get assembled into tops. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

I'm fighting with inlinkz right now.  Our credit card number was stolen recently and had to be reissued.  In the process, my inlinkz account was cancelled.  Since I enrolled, the minimal fee has gone up from 2.99 per month to 7.99 per month.  Needless to say, I'm looking for a cheaper alternative.  I'm signed up for one month, which gives me a few weeks to try out some new alternatives.  Just not today.  If you know of an alternative, please let me know.
Hopefully the beginning of the end is going well.  It is feeling good to start to wrap up some loose ends.  It has been more than the usual level of crazy this year, so there might not be A LOT of finishing, but progress will be made. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

There is no official color for November and December.  These next two months are saved for catching up and finishing up.  If you :need another color to finish up your quilt, please look in your stash and figure out what needs to be put to good use.  If that doesn't work, try laying out your blocks so far and seeing what color would make you quilt fabulous.
Linda, my friend from work, organized a group of teachers to go out last night in celebration of teacher of the year.  We saw Current Wars and went out after for drinks. 
It was fun to be able to see friends outside of work and catch up with retired teachers I don't get to see very often.