RSC 17

July                                 Blue

June                                 Yellow

May                                 Green

April                                 Multi color

March is red
 February is aqua
 January is purple

We've been doing this for... well... a few years now.  Somehow I don't seem to be out of scraps yet.  (Big Grin).  
One lazy Sunday, I sat playing with scraps, and for no particular reason, sorted them into brightly colored stacks.  Those piles of scraps held so many possibilities that my mind just couldn't stop running through them all.  The thought of using them all at once though, seemed just to overwhelming to ponder.
Instead, I thought it would be fun to take just one set of colored scraps each month and see what it might turn into.

And so began the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

I invited my blog friends to play along, and tried to offer encouragement and ideas when I could.   The real fun began though, when the inspiration started to flow from one rainbow blogger to another.  It wasn't long before the weekly linky parties began, giving everyone a chance to share and sew together.

Sometimes I even planned out quilts ahead of time, and offered tutorials for those who wanted to join in.  The basic idea though, has always remained the same.  Take your scraps, and use them up, one color at a time.
Along the way, more than a few rainbow quilts have been born.
 Like this Mai Tai Sunrise.  
And this OMG It's a Churn Dash, which is still in the flimsy stage.  
Or even these crumb bricks which turned into my favorite snuggle on the couch quilt.  

So if you are looking for a little inspiration this year, I invite you to join in to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017. 

Here is a list of the 10 colors we will be using this year, in case you want to plan ahead:

RED                                             MARCH
ORANGE                                      SEPTEMBER
YELLOW                                       JUNE
GREEN                                         MAY
AQUA                                            FEBRUARY
BLUE                                             JULY
PURPLE                                       JANUARY
PINK                                             OCTOBER
LIGHT NEUTRALS                        AUGUST
MIXED COLORS                           APRIL

I will choose a single color for each of the first 11 months, leaving the December for finishing.  

Start by grabbing a handful of purple scraps and turning them into something.  A mug rug, a placement, a single block.  If you like to plan ahead, you can start now making blocks that will be ready to turn into a rainbow quilt by the end of the year.  
Not sure what block to make?  That is where the weekly linky party will come to the rescue.  Just start looking at all the rainbow scrap quilts that others have made, and find the one that calls to you. Or just pick a block you really love and start with that.  You could even find an existing project featuring the color of the month and work to finish that up.  The details are all up to you.  It can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.  Remember, it doesn't have to be done right away, as long as you are taking your scraps, and turning them into something, you are making progress.  
So, for all the veteran rainbow scrap quilters out there, I am asking for your help.  Saturday January 6th will be the first ScrapHappy Saturday of 2017.  If you could have a finished Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt or two ready to share, it would be a great inspiration for the new people.  It doesn't have to be a new post, feel free to link to a finished quilt post from the past.  I'd love to bask in all of your accomplishments though, and to show everyone the power of using your scraps.  


Crystal_235 said...

Can you tell me how you made the crumb quilt? I would love to make one of those someday!

Holly in Indiana said...

I have made my first few blocks and pulled colors for more. The linky seems to be only for people with blogs correct? I have pictures but no way to show them off.

Dino said...

Holly It doesn't take much to have a blog. they are free and you can update as much or as little as you like, and they are pretty easy to do. Also there are plenty of folks to help if you don't understand a feature-like where to put the RSC2017 link(picture)
I have a simple one and post pictures when I get a block done for several projects I am working on.
Dino in ID

Meloney said...

Do we know what the color for March is?

BettyK said...

I have the same thoughts as Meloney. Anxious and ready to start March with the new color.

Julie S said...

I am a bit behind! Can you update this page with the colors for April and May? Thanks!

claudia said...

What is the color for August? I'm anxious to get caught up with my months all the way back to April, but I love getting the answer to that always anticipated monthly question!