Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fresh Start
Monday, March 30, 2009
Familiar Conversation
Him: Wow, even the quilting?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Frugality or Futility?
Slow Going
Sydney has had the stomach flu this weekend, and I'm struggling with a head cold. The menfolk were supposed to be off camping, but a big thunderstorm was in the forecast so they were all sent home again.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sydney's Daisy troop came for the day, and because she was on the same rotation as our troop, I got to at least see her events as well. She really wants to camp out, but it wouldn't be fair to our troop to have siblings tagging along. We'll have to try a family camping trip soon so she can sleep in a real tent in the woods.
The girls have been doing this for three years now and are getting pretty good at it. They know how to set up a tent, organize a campsite and practice "leave no trace" camping. Our new skills this year included using matches, outdoor cooking and washing dishes outside. We even made an outdoor hand washing station out of an old laundry detergent bottle, a pantyhose leg and a bar of soap.
They badly wanted to spend two nights camping, but I'm not sure we are quite ready yet. Miss Sheila was a true godsend. The mom who had volunteered to help out was busy for most of the day and there was no way I could have handled it all alone. She is so patient with the girls, and always ready to offer a solution or a helping hand.
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm sure lots of good quilty fun happened while I was playing in the dirt.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Blocks
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Shuttle Launch
3 B's today
I got the Yes We Can quilt bordered backed and basted. If things are calm tonight I'll get at least some basic stabilizing quilt lines put in. I got all my school work finished on Friday, so for once there is nothing hanging over my head even though it is a Sunday night. I have a lab all set up for Forensics tomorrow, but the physics teacher needs the room, so I think I'll have them share and compare a web quest they did on Thursday. Chemistry is in the depths of gas laws right now, so it is just problems and more problems. Add to that some time to pass back papers and organize binders, and we should be good to go.
I hope everyone else had a productive weekend. I know Amy had power chord issues and Amanda is in the midst of moving. Julie is busy with and injured daughter, but hopefully other people had quilt related progress.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Another Week Gone
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Monday
Tonight was the Girl Scout team meeting and I got home just in time to kiss the kids goodnight. Maybe I can get a little done on the b and b quilt tomorrow. I'd like to get to a point where I can pick it up off of the floor. So close.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Big Sigh
Saturday, March 7, 2009
More of the Same
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Remember This?

Look at the concentration of Phoenix's face as she works on hers. I had the girls all put their strings in rainbow order so that I could use the colors to give directions. "Everyone pick up the red and make a 4 as your cross over the orange. Now pull the red under the orange and back up through the loop. Pull tight, good. Do it again. Now put down the orange and pick up the yellow." Some of the girls got it right away and even started to anticipate the next step. We didn't quite get finished, but I told them I'd have a special treat for anyone who brought back a finished bracelet next time. Now I'd better think of a special treat.
Nothing quilty last night obviously. I am going now to dig up some scrap binding for the Happy Chain quilt. There is a division meeting this afternoon and then I promised one of my students I'd come watch the softball game. The house is a mess and the laundry needs folding, but I guess that's all part of life as usual.