I stopped on the way home from work yesterday to pick up a new iron. They were on sale at Joann's for $20 off. I didn't get the top of the line, but it seems pretty good, and it even has a retractable chord. I think they should make more appliances with retractable chords. Then when I got home, my birthday/anniversary present was waiting. It's not my birthday/anniversary until next month, but Kurt was in need of a new phone and ordered us both new
iPhones. Mine is white and his is black. So obviously, last night was spent playing with both of my new toys. I've downloaded some cool apps and organized my songs and basically had all sorts of fun. It was a nice diversion after a painfully bad day at work. I'm trying to delete it all from my memory and move on with my life. Deep breath.... moving on.

I whipped up this little doll quilt in order to practice doing a scalloped border before I attempt finishing my welcome quilt. Today I will learn something new! I hope it will all work out well.
This afternoon the Girl Scouts are going ice skating and if all goes well I will have a quilt to finish and an iPhone full of new games to play while they skate. Not a bad day at all. I'm feeling better already.
what a great little quilt to use the new iron on, and to practise... hmmm may have to think about adding the idea of practising on something small before diving in to my repetoire hmmmm...
Playing with the iphone I can understand. Playing with the iron? Come on now .... LOL
I love my Rowenta. My Mommy gave it to me for my birthday one year.
What a clever thought to make up a small quilt to practice your scalloped edge on. Isn't it fun to get new toys - especially one so special as an i-phone. Sorry to hear that you had such a rotten day at school though.
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