Saturday, May 27, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - Schools Out

Graduation was Tuesday, it was a beautiful ceremony.  Then, we went to trivia again on Thursday and won!  We can keep eating for free as long as we keep wining.  

Finally, it was  the last day of school!   Just two weeks of camps and a week of work at the district, but there is a light and a tunnel in there somewhere.   Having a summer is one of the best things about teaching.   

For now though, it is a long weekend.  We are headed off for a weekend of camping and hiking.  I hope you have lots of sewing to look forward to.   I plan to spend a little time in the sewing room before we head out.  It is almost useable again.  

If you have a long weekend to look forward to, I hope that there is some sewing time to enjoy.  We are almost done with the orange month.  Light blues and greens will be the order of business for next month, so you might be able to spend some catch up time if your blues aren't too out of control.  All of my scraps are out of control right now, but there are worse problems to have. 


Julie in GA said...

Didn't we do dark and bright blues in January?

Lin said...

Thanks Angela - but we have already done dark and bright blues this year!

Jennifer said...

dark and bright blues? that was january's color. did you mean another color? just wondering... i haven't posted for a while, but i'm still sewing along...

grammajudyb said...

I hate to be a party pooper, but Dark and Bright Blue were the colors for January. I checked your RSC2023 tab at the top of your blog, because I thought I might have misunderstood January! I’ve got lots of sewing to do , so I’ll wait til the actual 1st of June to begin.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the heads up about next month's color and enjoy your weekend away, Angela!!

Kay said...

Just to remind you that dark and bright blue was the color for January. Thanks. Kay

Jeanette said...

Hi just a query about the blues. I noticed in the RSC colours we did the blues in January, are we doing them again?

Susan said...

I was looking for an early clue to the colour for June - but you wrote "Dark and bright blues will be the order of business for next month" but we did that in January.

I'm confused.

Chantal said...

Enjoy your long weekend. You deserve a break. All of my scraps are out of control too. Sometimes, it's inspiring to have them all over the place; other times, not so much. Enjoy! ;^)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohh have a great fun weekend!!!
and too cool - you win you eat!! I love that!

Janice said...

How fun to have the summer break to look forward to. I notice that next month’s colours are dark and bright blue. These were the colours for January. Are we having another go at them? I hope you had a nice weekend.

Cathy said...

Hi Angela! I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend full of fun and camping!

Did you intend to do dark and bright blues again (we did them in January), or did you mean to announce light blues? Is it OK if I work on my lights instead??? xoxo

Carol Andrews said...

A well deserved break for you to celebrate another school year finished 😁

Preeti said...

Hi Angela, it is lovely to see all those smiling faces. I am glad your sewing room is usable again. Looks like we did Dark/Bright Blues in January. Did you mean to say something else?