Saturday, August 26, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday

Yellow hapiness! Just a few more days to finish up this month. September will be all about aqua. I won't talk about school at all this week, it just gets stranger with each new rule. Sydney is safely settled into her new apartment and got into the sorority that she had fallen in love with during rush. Anna is enjoying her fall routine but sad that everything is crowded again now that the undergraduates have returned. We are still sharing cars and waiting for Kurt's to come back from the shop, but I haven't been abandonded at work yet this year, so that is a win! Ryan was in a fender bender last weekend with one of the last two drivable cars. I am living in fear now that someone is going to crash my poor Subaru and I will be grabbing an uber to work every day.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm sorry about your car issues - that can be stressful! Hope you have a lovely weekend, with a little yellow scrappiness involved.

Chantal said...

Oh, no! Not Uber?! Hope things fall into place soon and all ends well for you and yours. We are in the same dilemma; 5 people with 4 vehicles. As long as my youngest didn't find a job it was fine, but guess what happened? Yep. We are one car short come September. Sigh! Thank goodness for the sewing room. Enjoy! ;^)

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

So glad your son is okay, too bad about the cars!

grammajudyb said...

Oh my! I just hate it when my car isn’t available! Hearing from others that repairs are taking forever! It was a 3 week wait just to get the oil changed at the dealership, causing DH to go to a quick lube for his older vehicle. I hope things settle for all concerned soon.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Looking forward to AQUA scrap play during September, Angela. Sorry to hear about your vehicle woes, but congratulations to Sydney on pledging the sorority of her dreams at the end of rush!

Kate said...

Juggling cars is never fun. Fingers crossed you get the other one back soon.