Saturday, May 11, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Pink is Peeking


I didn't make much progress on pink, but I took enough time to dig in and find out what was hiding in the bin.  There is one of the Hen & Chick Blocks, the others are planned, so finding some time to sew them up this morning is part of the plan.  It looks like I've got some partial blocks and crumb bits ready to go.  Sydney came home for a few days before the start of her summer classes on Monday.   After seeing Anna last weekend, we are almost caught up on visiting with kids. School is all about testing right now, but I get my steps in each day walking around while they do their thing. I've got a couple of days squeezed in to help juniors with college applications and then a few days of College Application Bootcamp right after school end.  After that, it will be all vacation all the time! Looking forward to long days with so much time to sew, relax and regroup!
I hope that you pinks are coming along nicely.  
Please use the linky tool below so we can all enjoy your progress.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's some fun pink therapy on your design wall! Have a great last week - you're almost there!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Hang in there! A well-deserved summer vacation is coming!

Kate said...

Hope the last of the school year goes by quickly.