Saturday, June 8, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

I am getting so much closer to being fully functional in the sewing department!  I've got the basic necessities set up.  As for the rest, the official movers are coming next Thursday.

We got a bit carried away with the refinishing of floors after I experimented a bit and realized I could lay down a new layer of polyurethane without completely removing the old.  So here is the master bedroom with newly shiny floors.
Here is the family room which was just finishes yesterday.  Now we need to try not walking on the floors too much until the movers show up next week.  We decided NOT to do the floors in my sewing room yet, so that is where I am sure to be spending some time today. 
I've got a Grandmother's Fan to make. 


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your floors look terrific!

Julie in GA said...

Your floors look beautiful, and all those windows--fantastic! Good luck with moving day!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your floors are looking wonderful - you're almost there!

Quilter Kathy said...

Fabulous shiny floors! So glad you have some sewing time today.... that is WAY more fun than all the hard labour you have been doing.... enjoy!

Cathy said...

Wow! It’s been a long haul, but I’m so happy for you that the move is near. Everything looks wonderful! Enjoy your sewing today.

cdpquilter said...

Love those floors!

julieQ said...

Your floors are so pretty! What a lot of work you have go girl!

Melva said...

Ooooh, so close! Nice job on the floors. :) MelvaLovesScraps(at)NolanQualityCustoms(dot)com

Seema Singh said...

Your floors looking very attractive. Thanks for sharing such a post.

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