Saturday, June 22, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

I am home again!  Last week I spent in Kansas City grading essays for AP Biology.  It was a long week, and it feels so good to come home again.  Home is a relative term these days.  Last night was our first official night as a family in the new house.  I even made dinner!  It was a frozen lasagna, but still, we ate at a table as a family.  Today we will clear the last debris out of the old house.  Then there will be plenty of time to get settled into the new place.  And to sew.  I sincerely hope that there will be time to sew.  

First though, I think I'll sit here for a few more minutes and wait for the sun to peek up over the horizon.  It should be here any minute.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That looks like a wonderful view! Glad you're able to enjoy it!

Julie in GA said...

How wonderful to have the whole family together in your new home. Enjoy!

Kathy S. said...

Welcome HOME. Sweet to have everyone at the dinner table. Time to make a lot of new memories -- even new sewing memories. Bring on summer relaxing time too.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Yay!! Best of luck with the clear out of the old house. Happy settling into your new home (with a magnificent view!)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Enjoy the view, and the family in the new home!

Edith said...

So close to just living in the new house. It's been fun to watch your kids grow through the years.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

What a beautiful family and view! I know that you are so happy to finally be in your new home and who wouldn't with that view!

Hopefully you have sold the old house! That would make it an even greater family get together!
