Saturday, August 17, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday

And so we begin the transition.  Ryan is now officially off to college.  We drove him up on Thursday and got him all settled in.  He's in a triple, old style with bathrooms at the end of the hall.  Neither of his room mates had shown up yet before it was time for us to leave.
He took his t-shirt quilt.  I finished the binding on Wednesday night just in time to run it through the wash.  It might be the last time this quilt sees the inside of a washer.  
There was a beautiful full moon this week.  I read that it is called a sturgeon moon.   I find it so fun that full moons all have names.  
We are still trying to see the sunrises each day, though it get more difficult as they keep creeping later.  School is one full week in and we are all making the transition as best we can. I have a great schedule this year and I am really enjoying my students.  I've still got a quilt on the frame to finish up this weekend.  We had to move it out of the way because Ryan had a party on Wednesday before he left.  We are also working on the stairs some more this weekend.  We got the newel posts last week and just picked up the handrails yesterday.  Step by step the pieces are all coming together.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Freshman year of college is an exciting time - hope Ryan has a great year! His quilt will remind him of home and family, and your love and support. Thanks for always sharing your beautiful sunrises, Angela!

Deb A said...

Hope both college kids have great years as well as your last one at home with Mom and Dad! Love the sunrises on the ocean.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your T-quilts always turn out SEW well with the front/back long blocks included. I've really got to try that sometime!

Quilter Kathy said...

Such an exciting time for your family!
Maybe house renovations are like quilts... being finished one piece at a time!?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my light blues on the wall - this is from a post I did early in the week

Kate said...

He looks way to young to be ready for college! They seem to get younger every year. Good luck to him with his Freshman year.

Susie H said...

Freshman year is tough ... on the student AND the parents. Good luck, Ryan! I hope your roommates are well-sited to you. Thanks for hostessing Scrappy Saturday, Angela! Always enjoyable seeing what everyone is working on.

Sheila said...

Congratulations! I know you are very proud of him.

Kathy S. said...

Hope Ryan has a great first year at college. Good luck, Ryan! LOL on the comment regarding his quilt may not see the inside of a washing machine for a while. Hope he gets great roommates. Glad you have a great schedule and good kiddos. I'm looking forward to going back to school next week --8/21!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

he looks so happy in his new place!! what fun and all the changes!! Hugs to you Momma!!!