Thursday, September 5, 2019

Tiny Tuesday - Storm at Sea

I really could not get the Storm at Sea block out of my head after we got back from evacuation yesterday.  I'm so thankful that Dorian was an out  to sea even for those of us in Florida, though it was quite different in the Bahamas.  Still watching and waiting for what will happen in the Carolinas after additional strengthening last night.  

As far as I can tell, the Storm at Sea works on a four by four grid.  That didn't really work with the Tiny Tuesday measurements, so I drew out a version with the center section based on 2.5 inches and each of the edges 1 inch.  That all adds up to the 4.5 finished inches we need for TT.  

With seam allowances, each small corner is 1.5 inches.  Each rectangular edge is 1.5 by 3.  The center square is 3 inches.  I was trying to work out a plan for getting the entire thing done with flip and sew corner squares, but the rectangular sections would be tricky I think.  Instead I decided to go with paper piecing.  This is also a block that would work well with English Paper Piecing or even hand sewing.  
Step 1, print out the paper piecing pattern and cut it apart into 9 sections.
You can choose to use templates with or without seam allowances.  No seam allowances means you have "imagine" the extra quarter of an inch as you sew, but also that there is less paper to remove from under seams later.
Using the templates with seam allowances makes it easier to make sure your sections are big enough, but also leads to lots of paper later.  I chose this method, though I had regrets during the paper removal process at the end.
The choice is yours.
Paper piecing template 1 - no seam allowances
Paper piecing template 2 - with seam allowances
Find background fabric of approximately the required sizes.  The nice thing about paper piecing is that the sizes don't have to be exact because the paper template will make sure everything ends up perfect in the end.  Use a glue stick to temporarily attach some background fabric to the center of each template.
You will need lots of purple triangles as well.  I just made some slightly over-sized squares and rectangles and cut them in half to get lots of pieces.  These don't have to be exact, just cut two large squares at about  3 inches, 8 squares about 2 inches and 8 rectangles about 2 by 3 inches.  Bigger is better here as there will be trimming involved.
Take each template, with the background fabric attached, and fold down one edge along the diagonal like.  I like to use a thin ruler or a credit card to line up along the line and get a nice sharp crease.  Repeat with all 9 template pieces.  Trim the background fabric a quarter on an inch past the folded line.
Place a purple triangle along the newly trimmed side and hold in place while turning it over so that you can sew the two pieces together.
Sew with the template on top and the fabric sandwich below.  Press the purple triangle open.
Next, move on to the second edge and repeat the same steps.  Fold, trim, sew, press.
Here is what your sub-units will look like with two triangles sewn on.
Continue around until all four corners are sewn onto all nine centers.
Now trim the blocks to size, using the template and your ruler to make sure your units are the correct size.
Here is a long edge, it is 1.5  by 3.  The small squares are 1.5 and the center is 3.
Trim all your units and arrange them into a nine patch with the large square in the center.  You may remove the paper now, or wait until you block is done if you prefer.
I decided to wait until the end.  I've tried it both ways and there are benefits to either method.

Here is your finished nine patch.  If you have never tried paper piecing  before, this is a great chance to give it a try.  They are just scraps after all, what is the worst thing that can happen?
We walked the beach this morning and saw lots of erosion, but no structural damage was apparent.  Still watching as Dorian moves to the north and hoping for a favorable track.  


Julierose said...

WOW--I am impressed with your block--wonderful paper piecing directions..So glad to hear that Dorian went out to sea..hugs, Julierose

Susie H said...

So glad you went unscathed with Dorian. However, I'm still holding my breath for the Carolinas. My niece goes to college at UNC-Wilmington. They've been evacuated & classes cancelled all this week. They are still recovering from Florence! Oh well, that's Mother Nature for you and the Storm at Sea block is perfect for this week!

Anonymous said...

this is such a helpful post ! I have not attempted paper piecing yet but Storm at Sea is such a lovely pattern. good to hear you made it safely through Dorian.

Sara said...

Glad you are home and had no damage. It's interesting to see your drafting process to make this block in this size. I also enjoy "doing the math" to figure out a pattern.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love that you worked out a Storm at Sea block for us while you were evacuated! So glad your new home is all good and you got to go home again. Thanks, Angela!

Ellen said...

Fabulous block and so appropriate! So glad that you are safe and sound. :)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Happy too that you are home safe and sound! And sharing how to paper piece a block, something I have never done. Interesting for sure.

Sandy Panagos said...

Wow, that is impressive! Glad you're safe.

Tami Von Zalez said...

I have been intrigued by that Storm at Sea combo. I have saved a bunch of plaid wovens for that type of quilt.

Katie Z. said...

Wow! Thank you for the lovely directions.

Emily said...

Love those colors, though those pieces must be so tiny! So glad you and your family are safe.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Very nice - and very appropriate for your weather - ha ha