Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sunshine After Rain

As much as I love making blocks, seeing them start to come together is strangely satisfying too. I will be missing a few colors this year as the school year has been unusually frantic, but I'm starting early so that I can fill in the gaps as I go along.  Soul Searching will need one blue and one purple to round things out.  If I am feeling especially energetic, I might add one more row.   It is always nice to add in black and brown to ground the rainbow.
Kurt built me a design wall last weekend and I have flannel and batting all ready to go so that I can arrange my blocks as finished quilts start coming together.  I had flannel backed table cloths thumbtacked to the wall, but they were getting pretty frayed and I threw them all out during a quarantine cleaning spree.  
Things seem to have settled down at school.  So far we have officially had only one positive student and one positive teacher.   We had a big batch come back from quarantine on Wednesday and they were all so happy to return.  The teacher is still out and has some underlying health issues, so we are all hoping and praying that she will be OK.  One nearby high school had to quarantine the entire football team, they ended up sending 115 kids home in total.  Parents are livid that they will have to forfeit the next two games.  
It is looking like it might be a bit of a rainy day.  There is a wall that needs to be painted after we had a window installed, but since I can't do that in the rain, I might have to sew a bit instead.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You're going to love your design wall! They're so helpful. Glad things are generally good at school. The high school teams here in Colorado just played their first games last night - it will be interesting to see how it goes! Have a wonderful weekend, Angela!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am constantly amazed that sports plays such an important part of school that playing sports seems to take precedent over health for so many students and parents. Good luck to the teacher that is sick - it seems in this day and age that the health of the teachers is less important then sports

LA Paylor said...

your blocks look VERY good sewn together! What an accomplishment with all you have to do!

quiltingbydawn said...

I so agree with Karen! Teachers have always been less important even though we have the responsibility it teach the future generations but it has become very apparent during the pandemic. Prayers for the teacher that is sick. May she may a full recovery!

grammajudyb said...

I love your Soul Searching blocks. It's going to be a great quilt! Glad your life is starting to even out. Hope the teacher improves day to day! We are having more cases every day here. I don't personally know any...nothing published of course. But it makes me fearful to even be close to people I know. Some are taking the threat so lightly!
Have a great weekend, Angela!

Deb A said...

Soul searching looks great. I hope the teacher has a full recovery. Emily wants to go back next quarter and I think her brother needs the person to person interaction so we are working to get him ok with it for Oct 26. Things seem to be going ok near us especially at their middle school where they are block days and masks required. Happy sewing today.

Sara said...

That quilt is doing to be awesome. I just love how those blocks look laid out together.

Linda said...

Thank you for the chance to add my Yellow sailed Ships to your blog. Hope all continues to go well on the school front, dealing with the never ending Covid 19 issues.

Janis said...

I'm glad you are getting a design wall up, don't know how I'd function in the sewing room without one. I want to thank you for hosting the RSC, it's gotten me using my scraps this year. I may not link up every month, or even manage to get the month's color into a block, but I've been saving scraps for years and never before this year used any of them. I'm having great fun doing so. Many thanks!

Preeti said...

Energetic is good. You will need it. A design wall is an absolute must. Stay safe, Angela.

gayle said...

Hoping you get some nice sewing time in this weekend. (Also hoping you stay safe and healthy!)
Enjoy that design wall when it's finished!

Kathy S. said...

Glad to hear there aren't a lot of positive cases with school. Keep staying safe. Love your colorful blocks!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Design walls are a wonderful thing to have in your sewing room. I hope school continues relatively smoothly. A few cases have popped up in schools near here too. I added black, white and gray to my RSC quilt. I added my link today. Thanks for the motivation to use my scraps.

Shelina said...

I just love this quilt pattern. It makes for a lively quilt for sure. I don't have any school age kids, so I glad that you posted this report. I hope the teacher recovers completely and that the virus disappears so we can go back to our normal lives.

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