Saturday, September 4, 2021

ScrapHappy Saturday - Downward Slope?

I feel that things are starting to calm down a bit here after the big Covid bump that followed back to school. Kids are masked now and most of the initial batches of positive teachers and quarantined students have returned. Sydney will be back on Tuesday after labor day and is feeling completely normal again. She tested negative yesterday for the first time! Anna even came home for quick weekend visit to pick up a few essentials that she forgot to take with her for back to school. Ryan is settled in to his new rental and we won't see him again until Thanksgiving. He would be happy enough to spend that with his college friends as well, but we have decided to visit our Georgia relatives instead. Hopefully things in Florida will be calmer by then. We are still hitting daily and weekly death records, but the curve of new cases might be trending down now, so that is promising. Hopefully there will be time for sewing as this is a long weekend. I still have quite a bit of organization to do in the sewing room, but that will gladly wait while I spend time with the girls this weekend.
Orange is the new color for September, which I completely forgot to announce when September started 4 days ago.  I am feeling fall for sure.   I will also work on the new block for #Full stop which will be a dash.  Nice and simple which is just about where my mind is right now!


Quilter Kathy said...

Enjoy the girls weekend!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm glad Sydney is better! Your post is definitely more upbeat this week - we've all been worried about you! Have you chosen a September color for the RSC yet? I'm ready for anything!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Glad to hear that Sydney is now testing negative! Here's hoping that helps ease your tension a little bit, Angela. Out of curiosity, did I miss the September color announcement?

maggie fellow said...

did I miss September's color

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I'm happy for you that all is calming down! Enjoy the time with your girls this weekend...

Sue said...

Also waiting with baited breath for September color. Orange????

Ivani said...

So good knowing thing are going better there.
Enjoy the days with your daughters.
I have started September with Orange color while waiting your annoucement.

Maria said...

Pleased your daughter is feeling better.....Stay safe and well.

Deb A said...

Glad things are settling down over that way. Glad you have time with both girls this weekend and I hope you can enjoy some beach time. I was guessing orange but had not pulled the orange basket out yet.

quiltingbydawn said...

Angela, so glad things a looking a little brighter for you! Have fun’s with the girls. As you know, we are all awaiting September’s color announcement! Stay safe.

MissPat said...

I guess you added the paragraph about orange as this month's color after the previous comments were written. Glad it's orange, so I can make my Table Scraps top with a Halloween theme. Also glad you sound a little more upbeat this week. Enjoy your weekend with the girls.

Polly said...

Louisianas school mask mandate made it to headlines here in NSW Australia. You must feel a whole lot safer now as a teacher.
Australia watches what is happening overseas since we are still in lockdown but gradually vaccinating and moving froward guided by experiences in US, UK Italy, Jerusalem etc. BUT………..on with orange!!!( my very least favourite colour). Enjoying the challenge so thanks for sticking with it in what must be VERY busy times in your home

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so glad Sydney is better - I know it had to have been a major worry - stay safe- for some reason I really thought it would be orange and almost started to sew with them so now I will

ButterZ said...

So happy for you that life is on its way up. Take your time and don’t stress about the colour being a few days later. Take care..

Jessy said...

There is no other way to get the body of herpes virus other than detoxification using natural diet or pure herbs. The health industry is a billion dollars industry - which is why the big pharmaceuticals sued Dr. Sebi the moment he discovered a 1-Week CURE FOR HERPES (Oral and Genital). Most diseases are acquired by what you eat. Even when infected by someone, it thrives because your body is receptive and filled with mucus. No disease can survive in an electric filled body. What you eat will determine how you live, how you behave, and even how it relates to you. Detoxification is the heart of ridding the body of the herpes virus. There is no other way to bring the necessary result. There are three ways to achieve this; Stop putting acidic foods into the body - if possible eat only alkaline diet, Fast daily before eating if possible for a year, Cleanse the body of toxins and acids with Nze Njoku Herbal Formula (Which also increases oxygen to cells). Feed the body with the right nutrients to repair, rebuild, and strengthen it at a cellular level and watch the body heal itself.

Some may wonder, how long is one expected to maintain such a diet and what herbs can help you achieve all these within few weeks?

Nze Njoku Herbal Home provides all the

Carol Andrews said...

Good to hear Sydney is feeling better. Sure hope you managed to relax over your long weekend. Fingers crossed the curve will continue to flatten.

Polly said...

Hope its loaded up. Sometimes takes me a few tries. Looking forward to cutting up large squares and reassembling my wonky bento box

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I'm so super behind - but yay for negative and things getting back to *regular*
Isn't it funny that once they leave they are like - ya - I'll hang with my friends and we are like -No!! haha!!

Ubong Stella said...

As an ICU nurse, of an amazing 38yrs long career bearing witness to God's great love for us, I know what a medical miracle is!
The first time that I saw an HIV patient cured with African herbs prepared by Dr. Utu Herbal Cure was in my 20yrs of nursing career, I felt God's presence with humans. He guides those he has chosen to live. I am a complete believer in God and I can testify he is so wonderful that he has given us all it takes to survive and save our surroundings!
I have recommended DR UTU HERBAL CURE to HERPES VIRUS patients, PSORIASIS patients, and many others who have come to me for remedy and they ALL confirmed to have been permanently healed.
DR UTU can still be reached today on

helen said...

I purchased herpes herbal medicine and received it within 7 days and used it as prescribed, I tested negative within 3 weeks use, do not loose hope to contact him early If you need help meet him on his email address or Whatsapp number +2348119508814


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