Well, I checked the date again after reading a comment on Amy's blog and found out that the sew-in isn't until next Friday. The same day as my first ever long arm quilting class. Bummer. All is well though, I went ahead and sewed away the evening tonight just in case I can't make it back in time.
Kurt is taking Ryan and Sydney to the swim meet in the morning, leaving me to take just Anna to ice skating. That means I get to sleep in late. Happy day! He even volunteered to chauffeur Ryan to a chess thing this evening (mostly because it is near the bar where his work friends hang out). Anyway, I used the time to finish off step two of Judy's June Mystery. There are 68 four patches with the darker teal and then 36 little skinny strips with the lighter color. I'm not sure yet how they will all fit together, but I'm happy to be caught up. I also worked on some wonky log cabin blocks with the leftovers from last years pineapple quilt.

Sydney was having a blast at her rock climbing show this afternoon. Each camper got to choose three skills to show off for the parents. Sydney did repelling, tight rope walking and the flying squirrel. The child truly has no fear. She jumps in with absolute confidence and lots of enthusiasm to anything she wants to do.

Ruh-roh Angela!
Now that I've read your post and see the pics, I THINK I figured out a boo-boo??? Are you looking at step 2 of her Memorial Day Challenge? Because I have YET to see Clue #2 for her June Mystery. She has two things going on--but the Mem. Day challenge is completey posted now--the June Mystery only has Clue #1 posted.
**crossing fingers for you**
Go read this - shaking my head and then getting back to sewing.
Looking good Angela! Amy..clue two is out..will send you the link.
Looks great! Way to go! You are the first blogger I've seen to post step #2 finished!
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