Friday, January 1, 2016

January Color Announcement and Fabric Giveaway

Welcome to the first month of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2016!  The color this month will be blue.  Go and pull out all of your blues from the palest of light icy blues to the deepest colors of navy.  Do avoid the greenish colors as they will get their own turn to play later this year.
 If you are feeling adventuresome, you may also pull out your purples and add a few accents into your blocks this month.  The blues and purples together make up our inspiration palette which is called snowflake.  The accent color is a new addition to RSC this year.  It is there to add a little variety and spice to your blocks.  It is entirely optional though, and just using the main color each month will give you a nice tour of the rainbow by the end of the year.
Vicki Welsh has been kind enough to provide a bundle of hand dyed fabric to give away to one lucky Rainbow Scrap Challenge Participant.  To enter the drawing, just leave a comment of this post with the name of one pattern you plan to work on as part of the challenge this year.  One lucky quilter will win the blue sky gradient shown above.  I'll draw on the end of the day Saturday.  Good luck to everyone!


Angie said...

Blue & purple? I like it! I will be working with more Sawtooth stars this year. Maybe Ohio Stars, too.

SandraC said...

I still don't know what block I will use. I don't know why I'm struggling with this :(

SandraC said...

I still don't know what block I will use. I don't know why I'm struggling with this :(

Jennifer said...

blue and purple: perfect for January! (and we'll get that giant pile of blues out of the way first!) a new block for me will be "Woven" this year- the pattern is on the moda bake shop site. I think it will play well with RSC- especially with the addition of the accent color this year!
BTW: how do you pick the color of the month? do you have a little drawing at home, or what? just curious....
I probably won't have time to link up again this Saturday, but next Saturday for sure!

Grandma said...

My first time to join your rainbow scrap challenge. I am thinking about doing this years sampler. Thank you for the give away.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Blue and purple . . . yes!!!

Kate said...

I finally decided on a set of 4 paper pieced blocks for my 2016 RSC challenge. The pattern is called Vintage Dresses by Charise Randell. This pattern will make it easy to incorporate accents into a couple of the blocks.

Thank you for hosting another year of RSC. It's my favorite quilt along.

Shelia said...

This will be my first time joining in. I want to make a block I have watched all thru last year. Kate at Life in Pieces made some great twinkle stars. I had saved the pattern from your website early in the year but life got in the way and I never started them.

Shelia said...

This will be my first time joining in. I want to make a block I have watched all thru last year. Kate at Life in Pieces made some great twinkle stars. I had saved the pattern from your website early in the year but life got in the way and I never started them.

Libby in TN said...

My first time to join in, too. I admired those who did the Twinkle Stars last year, but I think I'll do something simple like churn dash or monkey wrench. I haven't worked with blues recently, so this should be fun.

Cathy said...

8 inch Depression blocks

Ellen said...

I love that you are providing an accent colour for us to work with in addition to the main colour. I plan to continue with blocks that I already have in the stars, mini baskets, etc. I think the addition of this year's monthly colour pallete will add more variety to what I have already made. It does take a lot of 3" blocks to make a quilt!

Charlene S said...

Those are perfect colors for the month of January. An accent color is always nice. Thanks for providing one.

Jo said...

I lost track somewhere last year so to get back into into will be good. I will continue with my curved log cabin blocks..
They measure 22"

AnneP said...

I have been doing the rainbow challenge for a few years and usually end up with two or three different quilts. This year I may do your sampler - but also a log cabin style block - my favourite block.

berylthepearl said...

Love your scrap quilt along, I'll be doing your pattern for Missouri Star. Thanks for this giveaway!

Kat Scribner said...

I plan to work on the bears paw block as a rainbow sampler this year .......... along with your column sampler, of course.

Sally Trude said...

Egads. The challenge starts tomorrow and we're already supposed to know what we're going to make? I usually figure that out sometime in June. My list at this point includes standing bunny, seahorse, some kind of fish, and something else. In any case, I'm glad to be joining again this year. Happy New Year!

KaliaContiki said...

I'm hoping to focus on quilting some tops this year and also work on some scrappy quilts. Other than your column quilt along, I've got a scrappy bow tie quilt planned. Thanks for the great inspiration!

Deb A said...

I know I will add some birds in the air blocks this year. Not sure what else yet!

Marly said...

Happy New Year, Angela. I haven't decided which block to make as at the moment I'm trying to choose between bow ties and friendship stars. Both would look good in either blue or purple. Whichever I choose they'll have a neutral background fabric this year.

Julie in GA said...

I'm excited to get started on another year of the RSC (although I still haven't made a decision about what I'm making!) I am planning to do your column quilt, but waiting for some background fabric to arrive.
Happy New Year and happy quilting!

Karen said...

I am going to finish making house blocks. I also plan on making string blocks this year. I am looking forward to another rainbow year.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I am joining in for the first time this year, and have multiple ideas! I am definitely going to be making Scrap Jar Stars in the color of the month, but I also want to make 16 patch blocks. Thanks for the inspiration!

susan said...

I just started following you and I'm in love with your designs! I'm also amazed at how much you get done with a full time job! I have been looking thru ur website and I really like the RSC from 2014 I can try and manage that!!

Sue said...

I just lurked in 2015, using your monthly color selections for a BOM I was doing in another group. This month, I will try to join "officially". I will be doing some kind of improv blocks, TBD!

Lynda said...

I have always wanted to make an irish chain quilt - am thinking about doing so as a scrappy rainbow

Cathy said...

Well, obviously I read your posts in the wrong order, so disregard my teasing remark about being in agony over the color announcement. And we'll pretend I didn't check my feed for announcement posts at least 10 times a day for the last three days, hehehe!

This year, in addition to participating in the column-along, I would like to make some of Sally T's kittens, some Dresdens and string blocks. But since I will also be playing with my vintage sheets and saved selvages, I will be making rail fence blocks (sheets) and "bookcase" blocks (selvages). That ought to keep me out of trouble.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I am going to continue on with my HSTs and Orange Peels, as well as use the color of the month here and there for a granny square scrap quilt, and I started something in November with hourglasses....

Gail in Vegas said...

Congratulations on all your 2015 finishes!
I'm going to make the schoolhouse block this year in all the different colors - hopefully 2 each month!

Linda Jordan said...

I have always wanted to make a Dresden Plate quilt, so that is what I am going to work on this year!

Delighted Hands said...

I am going to tackle a clamshell quilt this year-it is a new block to me; I will have a good challenge fitting them together and trying different color arrangements! Tell Vicki thank you for the fabrics she makes-stunning job!

Julianne said...

I am going to do the "Birch Trees" pattern this year....its going to be beautiful!

Cathy44647 said...

This looks like fun, I think I'll just jump right on in! Lol!

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

Just found you in November and I'm excited to be a part of this Scrappy Sewing. That's as far as I've gone in goals this year. Thank you for a great give away and than you too for the beautiful patterns you provide.

Kathy's A Quilter said...

yeah, lets get this party started. I love the RSC and have been tappin' my toes waiting for the official starting bell. Love the fact that you are giving a contrast or secondary colour as well. I am so looking forward to this. Thank you again to Vicki for her very generous offering for another draw. I shall be using one of her purples in my first block to go with the blue. Fun times ahead. Happy New Year

theresa said...

I have been thinking of doing different stars.I have plenty of blue but not of purples. Theresa

Janna said...

My first time trying this challenge. I'm also thinking of a log cabin with a maple leaf in the middle, not sure where it will go just yet.

Charlotte Key said...

I love blue and purple, purple being my favorite color. Don't know what what my pattern is going to be since I just got back from Christmas vacation.

Heather said...

I haven't decided which project to focus on for the year's RSC. Guess I better go and get out my "Bonnie books!"

Chantal said...

First I want to wish you a very good New Year with penty of beautiful and pleasant surprises. May health and peace be with you all year round.
I have decided on a block called Peace and Plenty. With the backgrounds fabrics, this block only asks for one more colour. Since the RSC2016 has a new twist to it I might decide to make another block so I can use both colours each month. Yeah!! Let the fun begins!! ;^)

Kimberly Smith said...

That is a LOT of work you have put into this free and social project! THANK YOU! I'll be following along with your column plan and probably do the twin size. Happy New Year!

Rommy van Houten said...

Have a nice and happy quilty new year. May all your ideas came true!
I like to make with Blue and Purple the populair block the Castle Wall
Wish me luck to win this fantastic price

Quilty Chaos said...

I made a start at following along last year, making granny square blocks with 2" squares. I'll be working on those again this year and hopefully actually finishing out the scraps I sorted last year.

Sharon said...

I'll be joining for the first time this year - time to move some scraps. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

Orange,I'll be making circle's

jen said...

Thank you for your contribution to the quilting world and for your encouragement for "newer" quilters. I love the idea of accent colours and look forward to seeing what you and everyone else does this year. I would like to try some double nine patch blocks this year.
Happy New Year

Unknown said...

Orange, I'll be making circle's

Sandyzoo said...

I would love to do some Dresden plates this year-appliqué is nemesis!
Carol S.

kingdom quilter said...

I am going to be working on some hand pieced 6inch squares from the book The Farmer's Wife.

MissPat said...

This will be my first year joining in, although I followed along all last year. There have been so many good ideas that it's hard to choose which to do, but I think maybe orange peels, log cabin blocks and maybe some string blocks. Thanks for sticking with this project. It looks like a lot of fun.

Linda said...

This is my first year joining the RSC but have been following you for a long time. I will be working on string blocks. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. Happy New Year, Angela!
Linda "Cookie" Lawrence
Mandeville Louisiana

PaulaB quilts said...

I almost missed this post, luckily decided to finally follow you. I'm thinking of 9 or 16 patch,using the pales and darks wither the accent color. Still have so many jelly roll scraps to use.

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh goody! I have lots of blue and purples and a few ideas for patterns. Probably a repeat of one I made for my husband on his 55th birthday - New Orleans Star, I also am thinking of Houses, Sugar Bowl and others - yet to make a firm decision.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I want to make some stacked cups and plates, and a star block.

Ivani said...

Hi Angela. This will be my first attempt to RSC Thinking of Sawtooh Star with crumb strips + alternate chain blocks and maybe string blocks just for fun.

Craftyheart2 said...

I did twinklers last year and I am just sewing the binding on that. Doing 9 inch Crossroads blocks this year and continuing on with Little Monkeys (made 131 so far). Considering doing the column along.

gmwahl said...

Love the 9" twinkler star block'
My first year in the rainbow challenge and am looking forward to it

The Joyful Quilter said...

I plan to make MORE of the Maverick Stars that I made during RSC15. Thanks for continuing the scrappy FUN!!!

Shellie said...

I need to pull out my three 2014RSC and add to them. It was so fun, I don't know why I didn't participate last year. Thanks.

sunny said...

I'm thinking of 3 projects this year - string blocks, postage stamps, and tiny little spools. We'll have to see how long that ambition lasts!! Can't wait to get started with blue.

Bernie Kringel said...

Perfect choice of colors to start off with! One of the projects I am doing is called "Pretty Gemstones" by Cynthia Brunz. It was recently published in McCall's Quilt magazine, Can't wait to pull scraps for this!

Anne said...

I have so many blocks that I was contemplating for the rainbow challenge this year, it was hard to narrow it down to a workable number. It's funny, the Twinkler Star was near the top of my list, so it's great that you are starting with that one. My main focus, however, is going to be to make positive/negative schoolhouse blocks. Thanks for hosting RSC again this year!

Susan4cats said...

Blue & purple are my favorite colors! And boy do I have a lot. Haven't decided on a pattern yet.

Béa said...

I choose to make Audrey's Quilty Circles 365 with your colours of the month.
Happy New Year XXX

Lisa S. said...

I'm not sure what block I'll make this year. Maybe churn dashes or monkey wrenches.

Quilter Kathy said...

I am going to be continuing with all of my RSC in progress projects :)
Omigosh, Alamo stars, pumpkin seeds, etc
They are my favourites and I hope they go on forever! LOL
I'm also going to try to make a block or two from the sampler each month.

Kristi said...

I'm working on the column along! Twinkle star for this month! Pulled my blues and purples out tonight!

Dasha said...

Blue and purple! How lovely. I am thinking of doing a block called Scrappy Susannah which I found on a blog called A Bright Corner.

Mary said...

I want to try the Missouri Star block and will try to use purples as accents and polka dots.

Turid said...

I love blues, but I haven't chosen a block yet. Think I also will do some different things in blue. I'll start soon. Thanks for this giveaway.

Lynne Stucke said...

I'll be working on the column along with you; but I will also be working on 4-patches. Thank you for the chance to win!

beaquilter said...

I saw this yesterday on my phone and I've been busting out my GO cutter and blues, only done regular blue so far and still have lots of blues left, these are good to "test" as some of them I don't like being all blue, some I'm adding whites to, so we'll see. Some blocks I'll only do the 12, some I want to make more of! are you allowing links from the same site more than once? because I'll blog about the blocks as I do them, so may have several posts thruout the month :) super fun!

Nann said...

Hooray for blue as the January color! RSC is such fun. It provides an encouraging challenge rather than a gotta-race-to-the-finish challenge. That said, I haven't specified a particular block in 2016 but I do have two patterns in mind. One is from the Joann Fabrics website ("Rainbow Quilt") and the other is from Quiltmaker, issue #85 (2002), called "Honeycomb." Thanks to you and to Jackie for the giveaway.

cjmont said...

i would like to work on sister's choice blocks in memory of my sister jeannie.

Angie in SoCal said...

I have so much on my plate this year. Therefore, I'm going to make a preemie quilt each month with the colors of the month. Thanks for inspiring us to work with colors we sometimes want to avoid. And it does wonders for de-stashing.

Sheila said...

Yah for BLUE. I love blue! Looking forward to a RSC column quilt this year. My favorite block pattern, my go to block pattern, is a 16-patch block. I'll be making them this year. I may try some Bonnie Hunter Boxy Squares for a RSC Boxy Square quilt in December. That would be a fun quilt.
Thank you so much for hosting another RSC year. This is my favorite challenge and I look forward to the link up each Saturday to see what everyone is doing with their colorful scraps and stash.

Heidi said...

I am excited to join RSC this year! For sure I will incorporate it in my Daily Dots , & have a few others in mind I need to select from!

Kay said...

I'm so excited to join this sew-a-long this year. I'm thinking I'd like to make string blocks. Thank you.

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance! WHOOT WHOOT!

Robin B said...

I would love to win! I am joining you for the first time and looking forward to dig in my stash and to see what I can do. I am going to do the 365 circles! Thank you for the chance to win. Robin

ratama said...

I choose a melon quilt for this year.

Edith said...

Wow, so many comments! I love the blue sky gradient (my favourite colour is blue). I plan on finishing up a few projects, my Paint Box quilt for one.

Forks and Forest said...

I hope to follow along all year this year - I've made some months each year the last two years. Here's hoping for a better "sewier" year!
I am also doing the Block Lotto. Sophie is following along with your colors, so maybe I'll get two with one scheme! I love the Snowflake combination of colors. Now to go 'dream' through my stash.. Oh, darn!

Corinne in Forks

Val's Quilting Studio said...

My scrap buckets are full and I'm so excited to be joining the RSC once again this year!! (I participated in 2014). Thanks for hosting!!

Sara said...

How did you know I have a bag full of blue and white snowflake fabric scraps left over from a quilt? I dug into to make a couple of the twinkle star blocks already.

Sandy Panagos said...

This will be my first year to do the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and I hadn't really thought about which block to make. I think I'm just going to focus on string and crumb blocks. Thanks for hosting this!

lindaterry said...

Thanks for doing this!! I'm putting the borders on my RSC15 sampler, but I am excited about starting the challenge quilt for 2016! Blue's a great color to start with.

Sally said...

Nine patches on point for a strippy quilt, churn dash, more hexies but this tie making them into triangle units in columns--not sure what else. I've got lots and lots of blues!

Kaja said...

No idea what I'm going to do (I've given myself a week to get my head round this) but I think I'm going to play this year. I have a lot of blue scraps, at least. said...

I have never participated, but many of the blogs I read do. I think that making a block or two each month will use up some of my stash.
I am going to do a pattern called Twisted Blossoms, also a Sawtoothed Square from Quilter's Cache, a block called Navajo from Quilter's Cache, and Crown and Star from Quilter's Cache. I don't think 1 block a week from the color of the month is too strenuous among my other projects.

floridamissy said...

My stash is way too big for my new studio. We just relocated from Florida. I'm looking forward to some great ideas for blocks to use up the stash. I'm also a long arm quilter and I like having blocks ready cut beside my sewing machine so when I get a few moments I can sew for myself. I plan to try the Twinkle Star.

Judy H said...

Just finished up the twinkle star for January

Alison V. said...

I have started on a super scrappy rainbow Farmer's Wife! I have 9 of my 11 January blocks done and I have already made a decent dent in my blue scrap pile! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I am going to be kind of boring and choose 16 patch blocks. Partly because I tend to trim my scraps into squares and bricks but also because I am a fairly new quilter and want something easy that will also help me use up some of these scraps!

Thank you for hosting this every year. This is my first to join in, but I have admired the many quilts that people have made over the years.

2dogs2luv said...

I just found your blog & love it;the pattern is quite nice & I can see this as scrappy. TFS!


I am really late for signing up for this party this year--
but am going to do the dress pattern for my scraps--by Charise Creates--
at least that is Jan plan--
love and laughter, di