Wednesday, December 26, 2018

End of the Year Parade of Quilts

It has been a mad end of the year dash to finish quilts this year. 
I was able to sew lots of binding during the recent car trip to North Carolina.  Here is the front of Four Squared.  I used a scrappy yellow binding.  
Here is the back.  Lots of brown with enough yellow related squares to brighten it all up a bit.  
After finishing all the binding, I still had an urge to work on some more handwork.  Leap Year has been patiently waiting a turn at hand quilting for quite a while. 
So I pin basted that yesterday.  So much crawling around on the floor!  All worth it though.  
I got a good start on the quilting during Christmas movies yesterday.  I'm doing diagonal lines with Pearle cotton.  It is supposed to look like the calendar days were marked out with Xs.  The light green was May of 2016. 
I've convinced the kids to watch one more Christmas movie with me, so I think that I can finish off this month and maybe start one more.  I think August is the other block in the center, it is darker greens.  


Deb A said...

Nice job on the finishes! Love how you are quilting the leap year quilt. I really should head to the sewing room and make a binding for one quilt and grab a backing so I can pin another for quilting.

The Joyful Quilter said...

AWESOME use of your car trip time (and happy quilting!!!)

Kathy S. said...

Love that calendar quilt! Way to productively use that time in the car.

Stitchedinlayers said...

Love the circles! Did that CV one from your clever head or is it a pattern?

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful finishes! I love your Four Squared quilt, and the back too, very pretty!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I like your circles! Neat

Quilter Kathy said...

You are making great progress!
Enjoy the hand quilting!

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