Saturday, September 21, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Black is Back

I'm till trying to find some time to play more with my black scraps. The start of school has been unusually busy, but lots of fun. Kids are excited and motivated to work on their college applications and many of our Florida schools have added early application deadlines to get them moving right away. I have started some educational doctorate classes that are taking up the bulk of my sewing time for the last 10 weeks, but I have just one more paper to revise and submit this morning before my time is my own again for the weekend. I think that I would like to take these random black scraps and turn them into fabric. Then I really need to find a chair to put into my sewing space so that I can meditate on my hexie border some more.  What are your sewing plans for the weekend?  The linky tool is below, please share with us all so that I can enjoy other people making progress. 

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