Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hen & Chicks September Block 4 - Mrs. Brown's Choice


I played around with the layout on this one quite a bit. There are so many different color arrangements to try out. Eventually I settled on hot pink star points with everything else in a black print with pink swirls. 

This is another set of Rolling Stone like snowball blocks. Traditionally it starts with a square on point with one of those 7/8 inch measurements.  I hate those!  I get that the flip and sew triangles lead to a bit more waste, but they avoid those tricky measurements, so I feel that it is worth it. 
Draw a line across the diagonal of all the small squares. Start with a small pink square in the corner of 4 black squares and sew on the drawn line before flipping, pressing and trimming.  

Add another pink triangle adjacent to the first. Sew, flip, press and trim. 

These will form the points of the center star.  

Rotate the black square and add a white square to the third corner. Sew, flip, press trim... same as before. 

Getting tedious yet?  Just one mor to go!
Here are your 9 subunits. 4 snowballs, 4 HSTs and the center square. 
The arranging is always the fun part. Point all the triangle points toward the center square and then fill the corners in with the HST units with the dark points facing in. 
Sew the nine patch and press away from the snowball units. That is where the bulk of the seams are and the trick is to get them to lay as flat as possible. 


Sara said...

OMG - this is a fun and beautiful block! Thanks for posting these.

Susan said...

What color are you choosing for September? Brown? Could you possibly update your RSC2024 pages so everyone can find the chosen color for each month? Thanks - many would be so grateful!