Spring has been strange in Florida this year. One day is beautiful and almost summer and then the next day a front moves in and I am pulling out a sweater again. This happy yellow hibiscus doesn't seem to mind though. It thinks spring has sprung. I hope that some signs of spring are starting to appear where you are, unless of course you are in fall. I think fall and spring are so much nicer than winter and summer. I guess I am just all about moderation. Misterlinky is below, please share your progress with us all.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Bright and Happy Progress
Spring has been strange in Florida this year. One day is beautiful and almost summer and then the next day a front moves in and I am pulling out a sweater again. This happy yellow hibiscus doesn't seem to mind though. It thinks spring has sprung. I hope that some signs of spring are starting to appear where you are, unless of course you are in fall. I think fall and spring are so much nicer than winter and summer. I guess I am just all about moderation. Misterlinky is below, please share your progress with us all.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Sunny Day
Monday, February 24, 2025
March Madness
It is going to be March so soon! I know that many of you are not done with blue yet, don't worry, there will be a catch up month later. For now though, do what you can before the end of the week and then think about digging into your yellow! Yes, yellow for spring.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Short Blue Month
Next Saturday will be March! That means just one more week to finish up those blues. There will be a catch up opportunity at the end of the year in case you aren't quite done yet. Blue is just one of those colors that keeps going. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is all about doing what works for you though, so don't feel like you have to "finish" every color every month. Every new quilt brings new scraps and the cycle starts over. I did a good job of using up the precut squares in blue, but not so much on making more.
In general, I have been making good progress this week on using things up. I did a deep dive into batting on Sunday and came up with enough to piece together for the hexie quilt.
It has a rainbow scrap striped backing as well, so lots of good use it up energy going on there. I have been watching youtube videos and thinking about making a jelly roll rug to put in front of the fireplace in Virginia. It seems to get grungy with ashes and bark.
Then, while I was busy trying to make do, I ran out of thread right in the middle of hand quilting the baskets. I got an adorable sampler of 12 wt. variegated threads and the spools were tiny. I can't buy just the pink that I used up, which means I will need another sampler pack of 4.
I will try to put the other colors to good use in the hexies though, so no need to worry.
When finishing up long-term projects, I always start to think about what is next. I was pondering a snake like arrangements of monochromatic hexies in a larger size. The rainbow diamonds are 3/4 of an inch, which made me order a cutter for the go that makes 1 inch hexies. They seem huge by comparison! I am not ready to start a new quilt yet, but it will be nice to have a portable project to carry along the next time we travel. Spring break will be in the mountains, but we have a trip to Alaska booked for this summer! It is one for the bucket list.
Misterlinky is below, share your blue progress with us all.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday Progress
The hexies quilt is getting so close to being done. All the light edges are done, it is just a few more dark hexies that I need to add to the bottom row of dark. Honestly it is just a few hours of work. I am thinking of making stripes of each color for the back. I want to hand quilt it with horizontal lines, so that should not cause too many problems.
I am still chipping away at the log cabin blocks. I lay each one out of the floor and then double check the layout before sewing it together. There is only one so far that got twisted during sewing. What are you up to in the sewing room?
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Hand Sewing on Sunday
Saturday, February 8, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Catching up on UFOs
Sunday, February 2, 2025
A New Hand Quilting Project
There was a retirement party at work on Friday for our guidance clerk. She has always been so sweet and supportive of my quilting, so I just had to find a quilt for her to take with her. I chose a bullseye quilt which was one of my RSC22 quilts. I am happy for her, but still sad that she will be gone. It is nice when people really want to help the kids.
I have a draft of a paper that is due tonight on constructivist learning theory and educational standards. I will just give that a quick final edit and then make my way back down to the sewing space. I am thinking about pulling out a log cabin UFO that could be my next flimsy finish. I hope that you are finding time to sew something on this lazy Sunday. It is good to rest up before a new week comes on full force. Be sure to take some time to see what other slow stitching is happening at Kathy's Quilts before the weekends slips away.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Bold and Blue
I haven't put away the pink bin quite yet, but that will be first for today. The blue bin is a bit overflowing and will take some time to sort out. There are a few new blue blocks on the leader and ender project that is new for this year. I had a couple of random four patches lying around that got worked in as well.
That all happened while I was webbing the top together for the basket quilt. You can't do simple stack and sew of of blocks with a diagonal setting like you can for a straight set, so it was a slow and steady process of sew a row and then check to make sure it is good before adding the next row. I think some kind of border would be good. I would like to use the pink, but I pulled a 3.5 strip out of the scrap bin for the cornerstones and I think that is mostly used up. I will do a bit of digging and see what there is. It is a small quilt, so it won't take much.
Even though it was a busy week at work, it looks like a nice calm weekend. I am thinking about loading another quilt on the frame. I think I have several with backing already pieced and I have a fresh new roll of batting to use along with some new spools of thread. Ah, the possibilities!
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday Slowdown
When I was clearing out and organizing for the new year, I found these hand applique baskets that have been done for quite a while. The last time I rediscovered them, I planned a layout and I figured out that I needed 4 more. I made the 4 more, but then set them aside again. I don't know why.
Yesterday I submitted all of my work for grad school. It was an easy week. A very short paper and a presentation with a script. Easy and fast. So today I get to play before I start on next week's work. There were not a lot of choices for sashing, because it needed to read as solid. There was enough of the teal and so that won. Most of my yardage is for backings and borders. I usually work from the scrap bins. The cornerstones came from the pink scrap bin because it is still January and that is the one that is available. I don't know if you can see the backgrounds, but they are all different pastel dots. I had some multicolored dots for the setting triangles and so this one is ready to sew together. I tend the make the setting triangles extra large so that they can be trimmed up later. I think this will be one to hand quilt. Maybe a nice Baptist fan? Definitely something nicely traditional.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Last Pink Saturday!

Saturday, January 18, 2025
Saturday - Sewing Day?
I hope that you get some sewing time in today. I am enjoying a quick visit to the mountains to visit snow.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Friday Funday
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Thursday - Spicy
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Wednesday - A Quickie
The spice drawer was the perfect choice for a busy weekday. I didn't even get a before photo. Just filled up any empty jars from the overstocks behind and sorted the extra bits into a few jars on the side. There are some empty jars in the dishwasher, but so they will come back soon enough. Having all my spices in matching jars brings me joy. My kids would say it is my OCD shining through, but everything is just so much easier to find when it is uniform and alphabetical. How many times have I bought mustard powder because I thought we were out when it was really just hiding? Nobody needs that much mustard powder! I even added some of the homegrown spices that I grew this summer. I love using sage that came from my own plants.
I hope that you are having a happy hump day.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tuesday - One Day at a Time
Monday, January 13, 2025
Monday - Here we go again
There is always the random stuff that collects over time to be put away and then an extra deep clean is in order. It shouldn't take too long to cross this one off the list.
Kurt grabbed a lattice for me at Lowe's this morning and I tried to get the plant to go up a bit. I think I was semi successful. He has asked for a palm tree instead, but those are harder keep alive, so I will stick with this one for now. It is conveniently close to the tub with a spray head that makes watering easy. All the plants that I used to keep in the front steps died terrible thirsty deaths.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sunday for the Slowdown
It was a long week back at school. It is cold which is unusual for here. Getting back into the flow of things again will take a bit longer I think. I am thankful to have a weekend, even a cold and rainy one. My slow stitching time today will be devoted to hand stitching the binding on my first ever quilt. If I get energetic, I might even try a bit more hand quilting. Hand quilting is not easy through high loft polyester batting, but we live and learn as we evolve in our quilting. I am enjoying the idea of turning my first attempt at quilting into a finished project. It only took a bit more than 25 years.
If you have more than one RSC25 project in the works, or have a few ongoing projects from years past, these tracking sheets are a great way to keep track. Stephanie makes them for us each year and there are several formats available depending on whether you want to use them electronically or print them and go analog.
Rainbow Scrap Challenge Tracking Sheet in word
Rainbow Scrap Challenge Tracking Sheet in PDF
Rainbow Scrap Challenge Tracking Sheet in pages
I randomly drew the powder room as the next project on the "To Do" list. Honestly I thought it was in pretty good shape. It is just a half bath on the main floor that doesn't get used much. I keep some extra guest towels on the back of the potty.
Then there is a little corner shelf for sunglasses, sunscreen and TP. Kurt has decided to turn old TP rolls into fire starters and so I will donate these to his new craft project.It was quick work to sort through the sunglasses and sunscreen. I am not sure who thought that bug spray, aloe and lotion should all start living in there, but they got moved out. There were some sad and broken sunglasses that have gone away. I really need a few matching containers that are slightly larger to hold those, so I will keep my eyes open. I am not much of a shopper, but maybe something will turn up.
Then it was just a quick scrub, wipe down and polish to make everything all shiny. It was a quick one today, which is good because my first assignment for statistics is an essay that needs a bit more work. There is a group chat for the class and the professor seems to be fairly strict in her grading. Honestly, I thought I would be doing some math, but so far it is not that at all.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
ScrapHappy Saturday - Pink is a Promise
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Friday - for the Finish
I am fairly amazed that I made it through the first full week of back to school while still managing to cross more organizations tasks off of the list.