I've been dead on my feet lately. Just so tired that I've fallen asleep sitting up in chair in the afternoon. Kurt has been giving me a hard time about having too much on my plate. He really isn't allowed to pick on me because he is just as overbooked. Still, I had planned to get everyone settled in and have an early night tonight. I would have done it happily if the phone hadn't rung with one of my running partners seeing if I was up for an evening run. It is starting to cool off in the evenings now, and there was a nice breeze. The sun was just starting to settle down into the horizon as we headed home from a good steady six miles. As easy as it is to put off running, I've hardly ever gone out and not been glad to have done it. So now I'm sweaty and calm, waiting to cool down so that I can shower and settle in for a nice early night. I didn't even bring home papers to grade tonight, so there is no guilt at all. Friday is usually my day to stay late at school and catch up on paperwork. I'll remember to bring a lunch this time so that I'm not starving by the time I'm done.
*pat on back*
Nice job lady! Good for you---way to go---I completely understand your sweaty and relaxed state. In fact, THANKS!!! Your post came at a perfect time! DH should be home shortly----it's too dark to run outside, but I'll hit the dreadmill again thanks to your reminder of how good it DOES feel after a nice, relaxing run! (AND, I actually hope to post tonight ---it's been forever!)
AND----*another pat on back*.....good for you to take a night off of school work. (I did too) :0) It's nights like these that make me really sit and contemplate..... "how much HW is too much for students?" I know we have family responsibilites in the evening, but some of our students have loads of responsibilites too (work, sports, chores....)----sometimes HW just can't get done. (SPECIALLY if we actually want them to get adequate sleep).
But anyway----glad to read your post! AND REMEMBER YOUR LUNCH! You need to "feed the machine" :0)
Sigh - I have gotten so behind
on grading b/c I was determined NOT to grade over my birthday weekend. We have had a parent conference during our planning period every day all week so... I have gotten more and more behind! I guess I will be playing catch up tomorrow too!
Good for you on going out on a run!
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