I read Amy's description of her half marathon yesterday and just had to wonder. I can only imagine what that type of run must be like. I had a hill workout scheduled this morning and drove to our nearest "hill' which is a causeway. For those not familiar with causeways, they are just bridges that connect the barrier island to the mainland. I don't know how to work the elevation feature on my Garmin, but it wouldn't matter, because if you want a hill workout, it's either bridges or treadmills. We started at a nearby park and then went back and forth over the causeway until we got to 11 miles. Some workouts make you feel like you could conquer the world and some you just survive. We made it painfully through but were all dripping and panting by the end. Gatoraide has never tasted so good!
I treated myself to a southern style chicken biscuit after and I could still eat another (but I won't). Bedroom cleaning was going on when I got home, and tears were flying. We've just finished off the offending room now, with only minor casualties. Now I need to decide if I'm going to be good and go prep the bathroom for painting, or really bad and go finish my quilt top. Decisions.......
Gosh, it must be really flat where you live. There are a few flat areas in the UK, but they're not large, mostly there's hills wherever you turn. Now - what is gatorade, and what are southern style chicken biscuits?
had to smile at your "hill" -- being a prairie girl I don't have causeways, but we have bridges that arch over rail lines, a floodway (think HUGE manmade ditch around the city to divert a river when its flooding) and old old garbage dumps that have been buried under dirt and turned into parks... All are steep grades, not gentle "hills" but they're the only features to break the flat landscape...
*chuckling at Amanda's comment*
Golly---the things that we think are "common" to everyone sure aren't :0) However, have you ever watched a documentary on the "making of Gatorade" and done any research on it? I didn't know any of the history, but now that I do, the name sure makes sense :0)
Anyway-----long, steady inclines are doosey's too and can wipe you out like the best of 'em! And.....YUM!!!! Southern style chicken sounds SO good right now---which is amazing, because I'm usually NOT a chicken girl. I'm not much of a meat and potatoes girl, in fact! Give me anything Italian and I'm in heaven though!!! I was born in the wrong country!!! :0)
Finally, knowing YOU, you probably prepped the bathroom AND finish your quilt top!!! Happy Sunday!
You remind me of the old Army commercial that said something like, "We do more before 9 A.M. than most people do all day."
And I had a sausage biscuit for breakfast. No Gatorade though - even though the anti-freeze greenish yellow one is one of my favorite drinks.
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