Look what I got in the mail today! These goodies are my prize from Amy's 100th post giveaway. You may remember that I was the lucky winner. Such a cute assortment of fabrics, and this adorable little bag with the cutest, tiniest little squares. Thanks so much Amy -- I love it! So as you can see, for me, it was a good day.
I think the happiness of my day must have been counteracted by my husbands. He was due to fly to the west coast today for business. With a flight leaving at 6 something, he drove home to see the kids on this way out of town. So far so good. He was going to hang out with them for an hour or so while I went to my faculty meeting at school. Hugs and kisses and out the door to catch his flight in plenty of time.
The phone rang at about 5:30 as I was putting the finishing touches on preparations for my Girl Scout meeting tonight. He wanted the frequent flier number to use in trying to reschedule his flight which had been delayed by an hour, causing him to miss his connection. He did manage to rebook onto something later coming out of Dallas, which gave him 10 minutes to catch his connection if he could dash madly through the airport. It was supposed to leave at 8. So I was sure the phone ringing at 7:30 couldn't be good news. Sure enough, he wanted me to look up the number of his dentist so he could find out just how bad it is when the temporary crown pops off following an emergency root canal. I ran my meeting between phone calls while trying to explain that maybe I would be more helpful when my house wasn't full of 10 screaming, running girls.
I eventually told him that maybe the fates were trying to give him some subtle hints that this trip wasn't "meant to be". My Buddhist running partner would probably explain exactly how his karma was trying to warn him off. I'm still not really sure where he is, somewhere between ORL and LAX with his temporary crown in his pocket.
No OHR progress to show today, for obvious reasons, but the house is company clean, I have two new girls in my troop and the house is quiet and calm. For tonight, that is enough. Let's just hope it's not the calm before the storm.
I am so jealous! LOL So glad you won! Beautiful assortment! I just love that bag!
Sorry to hear of your husbands happenings. Hope everything works out okay in the end!
Wow!! Nice gifts! Dental stuff is not fun. I want to start hand quilting! Really, I do.I am going to start small, not to overwhelm myself.**giggle**
Glad that everything arrived and that it made SOME of your day.
Oh hun.....I feel your pain--I can COMPLETELY put myself in your position, and I must say: You seemed to have handled the situation MUCH BETTER than what I would have. Dare I even ask?.....when is he due back?
HOPEFULLY things have gone smoother today? And hopefully Hanna will hold off her fury until everyone can be back together.....
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