I must be missing some spatial recognition synapse in the depths of my gray matter. I had the OHR all laid out previously and ready to sew, but couldn't quite get the ends figured out and had to put it all away. So I got it out again yesterday and decided I was going to get the top put together this weekend if it killed me. Running and training meetings ate up Saturday, but I was full of hope for today. Surely I could get one simple task completed in the course of an otherwise unscheduled day. In the middle of 14 loads of laundry, regular weekend cleaning (even though the housekeeper was here just 2 days ago!), supervision of children, grocery shopping, and planning for a Girl Scout meeting, I managed to get about 5 rows put together. I just kept fussing with the different edge pieces to try to get everything to line up straight. I know it wasn't that complicated, but it just wasn't clicking for me. I think I need a book called diagonal settings for dummies. Maybe if I had been able to spend a couple of uninterrupted hours, I could have made it all happen, but that just isn't an option around here.
Tomorrow is a teacher workday for me, but a regular school day for the kids. This may be one of the ones they had to give back for Tropical Storm Fay. I'm supposed to do CPR training in the morning and then a book discussion in the afternoon. I read most of the book this summer in Jamaica, but I'd better go "refresh my recollection" as they say in court. I'm thankful that it isn't a regular school day, because my tests aren't graded yet, and I'm giving another test on Tuesday that isn't written yet. Kurt keeps rolling his eyes at me and telling me that I'm over committed. I'd have plenty of time for the drudgery if I gave up all the fun stuff. Other than that I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make everything fit.
Well, I never graded the tests that I gave Friday and tomorrow is not a workday for me. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am NOT doing any work after school then - soooo - my kids may have to wait a few days for their test grade! LOL. I hope you enjoy your workday.
Your ohr looks wonderful and it will come together in time! Don't rush the fun stuff or it becomes no longer fun :D
You'll figure out how to fit it all in, just in time for school to end and next summer will be here LOL Na, honestly... you can do it! Just remember to make time for yourself to relax! :)
Diagonal setting are hard for me too -- I simply can't get my mind around the trimming triangles off later bit....
New routines take time to settle, and you'll find the balance I'm sure.
Hey, it all gets done if it needs to be done - if it doesn't really need doing it'll slip off the end of the list.
Diagonal settings can be tricky. Stick to it you'll figure it out. Good luck with all your drudgery, never give up the fun stuff.
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