Saturday, April 6, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday #13

Sorry to be off to such a late start this morning.  InLinkz has been giving me fits.  I've been working on the old version because I never wanted to take the time to switch over.  Today the old version finally stopped working all together and I can't get the new one to work.  I'll get that figured out ASAP.  Until then, I'm on a temporary account.
We got the ceilings painted on the main floor of the new place this week!  No more offers on the old place yet.  I was hopeful when someone wanted information on the age of the water heater and amounts for all the utilities, but then they went on their merry way.  Kurt is off for his dad's wedding this weekend, but the rest of us weren't able to go.  Tomorrow is prom for Ryan and he is super excited (on a Ryan scale that means he gave it a "neat").
I have a ticket in with the  linky service, until then, I've used the free version to create a text only linky.  Yikes!  Sorry for the bother.  I've been procrastinating on switching over until things calm down.  Calm may not be happening around here for a while.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

A lot of beautiful green projects!

Quilter Kathy said...

I had the same challenges with the Inlinkz changes last week.
I was frustrated by the lack of communication with their regular customers, and in spite of reading almost everything on their website since the forced change, I am still struggling to get it to work the way it used to. It is somewhat reassuring to me that you have had difficulty with it too! LOL
And you really didn't need the extra frustration at this busy time in your life!!

Scrapatches said...

I am amazed at how you juggle all of this. I am spinning just reading it. May you soon be feeling zen in your new sewing space. Thank you for even thinking of us and trying to run linky parties ... :) Pat

Sara said...

I'm not sure calm was ever the normal as long as I had busy teens in the house. Add moving in there, and "calm" may be a while in coming. Hope your next week goes more smoothly.

grammajudyb said...

I've noticed the new Linky is a problem. As a user at other blogs. All will work out I am sure. Thank you for all you do for us out here in Blogland! We appreciate it!

Kathy S. said...

Thanks for giving us an alternate link so that we can still join the party. I get sooooo frustrated over stuff like that. You're the hostess with the mostess.

gayle said...

Oh, my! I hope there's some calm in your immediate future and that your linky problems disappear! You've certainly got enough on your plate!

MissPat said...

As a non-blogger who loves reading and following blogs and seeing everyone's posts, I admire those of you who can figure out how it all works. I wouldn't have the patience or the skills to do it. So thanks for hanging in there when there are so many other things demanding your attention. RSC is literally one of the "bright" spots inn the week.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I think the house sale at the exact time you will be ready to move in - with all the changes you are doing!
I have a new goal - Control stress levels. Now I can do that since I am retired and no grandchildren or children to cause stress in my life anymore. But you are young and stress will be there for a long time - I just stayed on a high stress life - with I could have realized what it does to our bodies over time

Hang in there - everyone understands - especially me! Hugs