Yea for me! I just finished step 3 of the Carolina Crossroads mystery. I got a little carried away on my strip sets and still have yards to spare, but I'll save them "just in case". I'm making headway on my log cabin as well, but I seem to have too many blue and white and not enough red and white. I guess I should think of how many of something I will need before I sit down and start to sew. I keep thinking I should be working on something Christmasy, but that would mean starting something new -- which is exactly what I need NOT to do
I had a race last night, just a 2 miler, but it was at night, through these beachside neighborhoods with tons of Christmas lights, and everybody wears jingle bells on their shoes! It's very festive with cookies and cocoa after. I've done it for the last few years and really enjoyed it. Somehow the company that runs the local races has started to do something with different with advertising and there were over 950 people running -- all jammed on a two mile course! The first mile was spent trying not to trip over anyone.
1 comment:
Good job! On the jingle jog and step 3:) You are way ahead of me... I am half way through step 2.
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