Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hen & Chicks August Block 4 - Facets


I enjoy modifying existing blocks and working with consistent subunits. It makes sewing easier and gives unlimited design possibilities. This is a modified Aunt Sukey's Choice Block. 
I enjoyed the Aunt Sukey's Choice block, but something about the line of the diagonal in the corners seemed jarring to me. I modified those to insert some slightly larger triangles to give a faceted diamond look. I don' think this block has a name, so I decided to call it Facets. 

The flying geese units are the same as Aunt Sukey. Just a dark and light goose put together to make a chevron. Start by drawing lines along the diagonal of each small square. 
Place a light square on the right corner of each orange rectangle and an orange square onto each background rectangle. 

Sew on the drawn line, then flip and press the triangle before trimming away the waste triangles behind. 
Repeat the same procedure on the left hand corner of each rectangle. 

Once your geese are done, arrange the dark goose on top and the light goose on bottom.  
Flip the light goose on top and sew along the long edge
Notice that the seam goes right through the point formed by the two seams of the goose.  
Press away from the light goose to minimize the bulk. Each unit should be a square, the same size as your center square. If anything is wonky, now is the time to trim or press so that each unit is the same size. 
The layout has goose chevrons along the edges, with HST units in each corner. 

Sew as any nine patch, pressing toward the center square to reduce bulk.  

1 comment:

Sara said...

This might be one of my new favorite blocks. I love the way it looks.