Saturday, August 17, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Orange and Scrappy

I didn't expect to get much sewing done on the first week of school.  I was right! I made some nice progress on the borders to the hexie quilt while watching the last of the Olympics last weekend.  Then hurricane Sydney descended upon the house and brought chaos.  First was the storage of everything we were going to move into her new apartment.  Next came the selective rotation of furniture that would go with her to her new apartment.  I encouraged her to take the desk that matches her bedroom set. It was white and the rest of my sewing room has rustic brown furniture. That is all fine. My new desk will show up on Monday. Then she took my favorite overstuffed brown leather chair.  The one where I sit when I stitch hexies or bindings.  That is a tragedy! So, I might have to steal a chair from somewhere else after the desk gets set up next week.  Until then, I will try to do some organizing. Everything in the house is a bit of a mess! 
The first week of school was lovely.  So many new faces and excited children. Lots of new teachers as well and two new faces in administration. I am sure that it will all seem normal before long, but for now, everything is fresh and shiny new. Exhausting though!  It is always an adjustment getting back into a full-time working routine again. Usually they let us start with a short week to dip our toes, but this week it was a full five right off the starting blocks. I might sneak in a bit of a nap today.  
I hope your oranges are going well so far.  Cutting and organizing in my orange bin is on my list.  The cheery orange basket still waits patiently.  Isn't that the best part about scraps?  


Sara said...

We're creatures of habit, so losing your sewing chair is serious business. You deserve to shop for a new comfy chair.

Chantal said...

I love your hexi project. It is SO lovely. I completely understand about needing a little nap after a full week at work. When I started my new job after 10 months at home, I was so tired. I slept most of the time that weekend. At least you didn't have to learn the job. Sorry to hear about your favourite leather chair. I have a favourite chair too. Enjoy the weekend. ;^)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Moving our kids in, out, and wherever, is always an adventure! Your first week of school sounds great and exhausting. Hope you have a chance to relax a bit with your hexies this weekend!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Glad to hear that you had a good first week of school. Angela! Best of luck recovering from "Hurricane" Sydney's visit. Hope you find a suitable replacement for your stitching chair!

Kate said...

Your hexie quilt is awesome. Sorry it was such an exhausting week. Hopefully you got a nap and have a chance to get in some stitching time today before you head back to work on Monday.

Sharon said...

When I read "Hurricane Sydney", I thought that I had missed hearing about an actual storm, LOL. We're still dealing with debris from Hurricane Beryl in our area. Fingers are crossed that the rest of hurricane season will bypass us here in the US.

I feel your pain about being too tired to sew during the first weeks back to school. Get some rest!