Sunday, January 24, 2021

Slowly on a Sunday


I had a little burst of Dear Jane sewing yesterday and finished off the left side!   It looks like I just need 8 more for the right side and this quilt will be DONE.   I'll have to go back at some point and figure out when I started this girl.   I used to have the kids pose with the blocks, and they were all pretty tiny at the time.   This is the ultimate in rainbow scrap quilts, so be sure to visit Oh Scrap! if you are working on something scrappy today.  
I just need to finish up the applique sewing on these last three blocks.  The closer I get to being done, the more liberty I take with the design.   The ones that are left are tricky in general, so I am simplifying and going for the feel of the pattern rather than trying to get every detail perfect.   There wasn't supposed to be a diamond in the middle of that teal block, but I just felt that it needed more color.    Lots of people have slow stitching to share at Kathy's Quilts, so be sure to pop by if you have hand work saved up for the day of rest.     
This yellow guy was an odd mix of applique and paper piecing.  You could see curved seams in the original block, but my mind just said "nope" and I moved on with life.  

It was nice to enjoy the weekend after a busy week at school.   We are on a block schedule this year, and the new semester started on Tuesday.  So that meant a batch of new kids.  New names to remember, procedures to establish, a second first day of the school year.  Most teachers are redoing a class that they had first semester, but I am switching preps which means a lot more time to get ready every day.  I've taught Honors Biology for a lot of years, but never in a time of COVID.  Social distancing means modified labs and the I still have kids e-learning which means that everything is digital.   Just when I thought that my job was settling into a routine, BAM it is all new again.  They are starting to vaccinate teachers in Florida, but only those who are over 65.  It doesn't seem to be going well so far, so my turn could be a long way off.  The governor declared teachers as critical infrastructure workers, but we are not critical enough to get vaccine priority.  

There was a rocket launch this morning.  A Space X Falcon 9 going into sun synchronous orbit which meant that it went directly overhead.  Usually they head out to sea.   We were late on our beach walk this morning because of rain and were just getting back home as it went up.  I have the usual weekend chores t finish up, but I hope to get that left side attached before the end of the weekend.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

never thought about how to teach some of the science classes when the kids aren't in the labs with the microscopes and equipment - that must be hard to teach.

Ivani said...

It is your quilt and you do it as it is better for you. I don't see any problem about it. Better done!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm so impressed that you are working on all of those complicated blocks! I agree that you should do what works for you! When I was teaching 5th grade, my favorite thing about science was the hands on labs, so it's hard to picture teaching science at this time. Hope your new classes go well!

Susanne said...

YAY for making progress on getting those blocks done. I agree, sometimes it is better to just modify the block, get it done, and move on! Good luck with the new teaching schedule and your new challenges. Thanks for posting about the SpaceX rocket launch, that must be so interesting to see! Happy Stitching!!!

Marianne said...

I started my Dear Jane journey with the triangles and loved working on them. They ended up bordering another quilt before I got brave enough to tackle the center blocks. The corner kites were tough but what a sense of accomplishment when it's all done! You're doing great!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great Dear Jane triangles! I finished my Dear Jane long ago, but I remember the challenges it raised! Great work!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Great progress on your blocks Angela. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on getting all of the blocks done for the left side of Jane and best of luck with the in-person learning, Angela!!

Sara said...

I love the Dear Jane quilts but have never dove into making one. Great job!

Deanna W said...

Your blocks look will definitely be a rainbow scrap quilt!! I bow and curtsie to you.. a teacher is a tough job made even tougher in these times.

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

I'm with you on the curved piecing -- just nope. Your DJ triangles look GREAT!

Quilter Kathy said...

You are making great progress! I can't even figure out how to sew most of those blocks!