....being called away to answer the phone and returning to a jumble of postage stamp blocks being worked into a flimsy. It was a busy day and I didn't think I had energy for much more than a bit on mindless TV viewing until it was late enough to call it a day. I was recording two Halloween specials for the kids though, and the DVR does not let you watch a different show while it recording two others. Yes, I could have gone to another room to vegetate, but I didn't. Instead I sat down to work a few more rows through the machine. As I'm sewing, I'm looking at the fabrics and remembering where they went when they were new. Everything in here has been part of something in the past. Somehow it's all come together in this improbable collection of tiny little bits. What could be better than that?
I agree with your title. I am looking forward to seeing your flimsy when it is finished.
I can say the same words than Linda. Your quilt from many things of the past will be wonderfull, I love it.
Have a nice weekend and many greetings from Germany
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