It's only Wednesday and my week feels 12 days long already. Monday was scouts, the last meeting before we bridge. I needed to figure out badges and outfits to order in time for the ceremony. Tuesday I had a faculty meeting after school and Anna had a talent show that lasted until 8:30! I'm supposed to order supplies for next year in the next two weeks, but I don't yet know what I'm teaching. I actually graded 38 chemistry tests while talking to my sister on the phone last night! Today was our usual marine science club meeting at lunch which left me nodding off while answering e-mail this afternoon. Thursday is my busy day with ballet gymnastics and chess, and I'm wondering when I can schedule time to breathe. I need to write finals this weekend, and do some curriculum mapping thing for two classes. 4 more days for seniors and 9 more for everyone else before exams start. Is there a light?
My husband hopped on a plane for Denver this morning and couldn't have been out the door for more than half an hour before my daughter she decided her tummy felt sick and needed to stay home. I promptly put her on the bus and got started on the rest of my day, waiting for that call from the school nurse saying she had thrown up all over the playground. It is an unwritten rule in my house that no one is ever sick unless one parent is out of town. My most memorable experience was earlier this year when my son vomited all over me 3 minutes before school bus time on a day I was scheduled to take 20 marine science students on a seining trip to the Indian River Lagoon. Thank goodness for nearby friends who are stay-at-home-moms.
Everyone seems stable and healthy at the moment, and we are going to have an exciting dinner at CiCi's Pizza before early baths and bed.
Amongst all this fun, I should be cleaning and doing laundry because we are dangerously low on underwear and tripping over stuff. Instead I got Carolina Crossroads out for basting and started planning a Girl Scout service project to make quilts for the elderly. I'm really excited about the idea. We all went Christmas caroling last year at a local nursing home. I wanted to go back this year, but bring quilts for the residents in wheelchairs. One of my running partners has a grandparent at the facility, so I'm going to make it a multi-troop activity and try to make a quilt for every resident. I'm thinking that 36 inches by 45 inches (WOF) makes a good wheelchair sized quilt. Now I have to decide whether to let everyone choose their own pattern or pick the same thing for everyone to simplify things. I even thought about doing a quilt as you go strippy quilt which should go really quickly. The girls could all pick their own colors. Then I have to figure out how long it will take an 8 to 12 year old girl to actually make a quilt and structure the workshop. I think my first step will be to make a prototype and send it in to see if it is the right size. After that, I'll pin down a few of the details and do a little planning. If everything goes well in the first phase, we can start working on quilts for beds of residents who are not in wheelchairs. I'll have to find out what size a hospital bed is......