I went out this morning to run the causeway with two of my running partners. The local art festival is next weekend and the 5K that is associated with it goes up over the causeway and back. We are sadly lacking for any hills around here, so that is the most challenging that a race can be. I was doing fine until a HUGE crack in the sidewalk jumped up and tripped me. It must have been huge or I wouldn't have wiped out completely and scraped all the skin off of the left half of my body. I am only thankful that the people I was running with had quick reflexes and managed to avoid tripping over me. I had planned to work on some quilting this afternoon, but it's hard to do that without skin on the palm of your hand. Sigh. The reason I run is that I am lacking all of the coordination and athletic skill that would allow me to do other sports. Still, at least it was only skin, it will all grow back.
Angela!! Whew....I'm taking your injury as a sign of fate!!! Truly....I haven't "hit" the road yet; weather is gloomy here today. But now, after reading your post, I think it's a sign :D)
At least you were open enough to post the injury pictures---I don't think everyone would have done that. (However, I did note you didn't show your face) :0)~
Take it easy and quilt as best you can.
AND...thanks for the Blogline assistance! Your directions were perfect!
Ouch! I bet you're feeling stiff and sore now. My husband fell over when he was out running a little while ago and suffered for several days.
I've just noticed in Amy's comments that you were able to help her with Bloglines - I'm feeling rather dense and not getting the hang of it - could you copy me in on your notes to her please?
I saw that crack in the sidewalk, and yes, it was HUGE. And it did indeed jump up at you. Really.
You did a lovely roll, though. If you ever stop quilting, you could get a job as a stunt double.
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