I went ahead and finished up a couple of Irish Chain blocks from my leaders and enders project with extras from my mystery quilt. I wanted to see what the colors looked like together and get an idea of how the pattern was working out. I think I need to pay more attention to value as I put the four patched together, but I'm still seeing the overall pattern as I look at the layout. This isn't a finish now sort of project. I'm happy to keep it going as leaders and enders, and now I have an idea of how many dark, medium and light squares I need to restock my 2 inch basket. I think this quilt could live in the toy room when it eventually gets done. The bright colors would be happy there.
I went to a quilt show this morning put on by our local quilt guild. Both of my running partners came with me, which I thought was incredibly nice of them, as they are not even quilters. There were so many really beautiful quilts there. I saw several in Bonnie's pineapple star pattern, but not any Carolina Crossroads. Asymmetrical log cabins were very popular, as well as at least four prairie braids. I think someone must have offered a class for so many of the same pattern to show up in the same year. Even so, the color choices and designs were completely different and gave each of them a very different look. I love how you can take a traditional pattern and make it your own.
I've just started doing leaders and enders like this and I'm amazed at the speed they can build up. Your Irish Chain idea is looking good.
I can see your irish chain coming together...what a great scrappy looking quilt!
HEY! I followed the L-n-E link for the Irish Chain on your WIP list. This looks like the exact Irish Chain *I'm* doing as a L-n-E.!! Did you get the idea from McCall's here?
http://mccallsquilting.com/legacy/vintage12_pattern/ cuz that's where I got mine. I'm not appliqueing the color squares on the white as it suggests though----ick! Rather, I'm just going to cut white strips and piece the color squares to the white rectangles.....
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