So the kids and I went got up bright and early, ran some errands, saw a free movie, had lunch out and visited the fabric store. We went to Target to look for new backpacks, and not finding the exactly the right kind, were headed out when I saw that Janet Evanovich has a new book. I've read all of her books, even those goofy "written as" books that they always republish when an author hits it big. They are a funny, quick read with no literary qualities at all. I'm finishing up Emma on my i pod right now, so there is some sort of ying and yang there I'm sure.
Here I sit in my sparkling clean house, listening to my fabric in the dryer, getting ready to dive into a brand new book and thinking, life is good.
Oh, on a side note, I saw one of, my students at the fabric store and she said she tried to get into my first period Anatomy class, but couldn't because it was full. So that is two new bits of information. My Anatomy class is first period, and it is full. I am slowly starting to work my way back into school mode. Maybe I'll log on later and see if my rosters are posted yet and go through e-mail. Slowly, slowly.......
I have been tempted on more than one occasion to search out someone to do the cleaning of my house; it's one thing for a house to be cluttered (MINE!), but it's another to have a house that is also dirty and in need of cleaning and not just picking up (MINE!), but....psht! It's not a huge priority. So, take some pics of your lovely clean house and post them so I can look around and be stress-free as well! :0) :0)
I will be heading to school today for a full day's worth of preparing my room and the vball locker room. I'm actually looking forward to getting THAT done (with no children tagging along) so that the last few days of my summer can be enjoyed knowing I'm set at school.
I'll be curious to see what lovelies you whip out during your last few days of non-school summer.
I would love to have someone clean my house, but it is not going to happen anytime soon! Lucky you though!
And I love Stephanie Plum, I am reading 15 too right now!
I can see that you love reading too...By the way, we are both Geminis, teachers, and I used to live in Fla. I taught at N. Miami Beach High, and I lived in Hollywood. Well, I am seeing that we have a lot in common.
As to cleaning my house, I am afraid that I am stuck with that.LOL
We have a Mary day every week. I think it is more stressful to have her than to not. Trying to get the kids to pick up so she can clean is a hard ship. I am glad I don't have to do it though. I have read 1,2,3,13 in a row then decided to give her a break. Oh that Lola.
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